Friday, June 12, 2015

Members Only 6月12日(金曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min

Members Only 6月12日(金曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min

Bruce Jenner
an Olympian=an Olympic athlete

He won gold in the men's decathlon.

a decathlon = 10種競技

a decade = 10年間

December = 10th month

a decimal point = 小数点

to decimate = to destroy a large number or part of st

This happened during the Cold War. (冷戦)
bicentennial = 200th anniversary

Jenner came out as a trans woman.

The most famous transgender person in the world.

Bruce Jenner changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner.

asexual =《生物》無性の性と関係のない〈米俗〉セックスに興味のない

This is polarizing subject.

to polarize = to cause people to have very opposite opinions about st


to polarize = 評価を両極端に分かれさせる

LGBT = lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender

BLT【略】=bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich

 LGBTQ = lesbian gay bisexual transgender questioning

She has been living a lie.

She has not been true to herself. 

She can be true to herself.

Thursday June 11/11pm - Action Teacher Random English Lesson

Thursday June 11/11pm - Action Teacher Random English Lesson

It’s raining outside.
X Today is a rainy day.

It’s a beautiful day.
What a beautiful/nice day.
X Today is a fine day.
We’ve been getting a lot of rain recently. 

It’s really raining hard now.
X Today is hard rain.

Typical: It’s raining cats and dogs.
It’s really pouring out.
It’s really coming down out.

I’ll take a rain check. 
I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take a rain check.
1. I’ll take a rain check. 
2. How are you feeling? --> Right as rain.
3. to rain on sb’s parade = I hate to rain on your parade, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
4. to steal sb’s thunder = to take attention away from a main person
5. to throw caution to the wind = to do st crazy
You are usually careful, but today you decide to not worry so much and just do what you want to do.
I decided to throw caution to the wind and just buy the dress.

6. to be on cloud nine = to be REALLY REALLY happy
I’m on cloud nine! = I’m in Heaven.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday June 5/11pm - Action Teacher Random English Lesson

Friday June 5/11pm - Action Teacher Random English Lesson
She got stitches.
She got her stitches out.
Ooh! That’s going to leave a nasty scar.
nasty: a) bad, negative, b) dirty, c) gross, d) sexual

The weather is nasty.
Wash your hands! Your hands are nasty.
You like natto! That stuff looks nasty!
He has a nasty mind.
What are the 5 meanings of hot?
1. 暑い
2. 辛い 
3. popular
4. sexy
5. stolen
I don’t feel so hot. = I feel sick.
He’s in hot water.  = He is in trouble.
His book is selling like hot cakes. = It’s very popular.  = It’s selling very well.
They are flying off the shelves. = It’s selling very well.
She’s got the hots for me. = She is romantically interested in me. 
I got the hots for her. = I am romantically interested in her.
He’s in the hot seat. = He is getting many questions. =getting lots of negative attention especially criticism
He’s full of hot air. = He is all talk. = He is just boasting. = It’s just empty talk.
This news is hot off the presses. = This news is VERY fresh.
He is hot stuff. = He is very good. or He is very sexy.
That guy is hawt.
phat = pretty hot and tempting
phat + fabulous = phatabulous