Members Only 6月12日(金曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min
Bruce Jenner
an Olympian=an Olympic athlete
He won gold in the men's decathlon.
a decathlon = 10種競技
a decade = 10年間
December = 10th month
a decimal point = 小数点
to decimate = to destroy a large number or part of st
This happened during the Cold War. (冷戦)
bicentennial = 200th anniversary
Jenner came out as a trans woman.
The most famous transgender person in the world.
Bruce Jenner changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner.
asexual =《生物》無性の性と関係のない〈米俗〉セックスに興味のない
This is polarizing subject.
to polarize = to cause people to have very opposite opinions about st
to polarize = 評価を両極端に分かれさせる
LGBT = lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
BLT【略】=bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich
LGBTQ = lesbian gay bisexual transgender questioning
She has been living a lie.
She has not been true to herself.
She can be true to herself.