Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Answers to the Fatblueman video.

In this video:
「どこで知ったの?」を英語で ・・・

I want you to use INTRODUCE correctly. We do not usually use "introduce" when we want to 紹介 something. We use "introduce"
to 紹介 someone.

BAD--> Thank you for introducing me this video.
GOOD --> Thank you for telling me about this video.
GOOD --> Thank you for telling me about this school.
GOOD --> Thank you for introducing John to us!
GOOD --> Could you introduce me to your friend?

BAD--> Could you introduce a good English school to me?
GOOD --> Do you know any good English schools?
GOOD --> Could you recommend a good English school?

BAD--> Who introduced you to this school?
GOOD --> Who told you about this school?

"introduce" は人間を紹介するため使う。
例文:Who first introduced horses to Japan?
Portuguese introduced Christianity to Japan.
The sport of baseball was introduced to Japan in 1872 by Horace Wilson, and the first formal team was established in 1878.


The answers to the questions:
1) Who wrote Action Teacher's theme music?
Answer: John

2) What is John's band's name?

3) Including John and Victor how many people have seen John's video?
In total 4 people. But one of those people was John and one was Victor.

4) Where is Action! Language Academy?

5) Which of the following is correct?
a) I introduced Aki to the school.
b) I told Aki about the school.

b) is correct!

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