Monday, September 12, 2016

(会員) 11pm, Monday, Sept. 12, 2016 - RANDOM!

(会員) 11pm, Monday, Sept. 12, 2016 - RANDOM!

1. Does that ring a bell? = Does what I said remind you of something?

Sorry, that doesn’t ring a bell.

That name doesn’t ring a bell.

2. Saved by the bell. = Something interrupted us and now I don’t have to answer.

A: I hope you can come to my party.   
B: I’ll be there with bells on.

A: I hope you can come to my party.   
B: I’m sorry. I can’t. I have plans.

A: Want to have  a beer after work?  B: Rain check. I’ll take a rain check. I better take a rain check. Let me take a rain check. Gimme a rain check.

6. That’s easy. = Piece of cake.

7. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

A: I want to lose weight, but I hate dieting.   
B: You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

8. X  “I want to lose my weight.”  What’s the mistake?  —> I want to lose weight.

9. I want to lose about 2 kilograms.
X I want to lose weight 2 kilograms.

10. No pain, no gain. = 頑張らないと成功できない。
11. He is a pain in the neck/butt/ass.

12. vulgar = 下品な

Sunday, September 11, 2016

英会話 ライブレッスン 今夜は公開レッスン! Sept. 11, 2016

英会話 ライブレッスン 今夜は公開レッスン!
Happy Birthday!   
Happy belated birthday!
I’m a little early, but happy birthday!
Let me be the first one to tell you happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! Live long and prosper!
Many happy returns!

Happy Birthday! May you have many more!

Happy Birthday! Remember you are not getting older. You are getting better!

Congratulations on surviving another year!

age idioms
He’s over the hill.
He’s getting up there!
He’s no spring chicken.
I may not be a spring chicken, but I’m still pretty strong.
She is at the prime of her life.
年をとった時に、「あの時は一番元気だった」と言いたいときは I was at the prime of my life.
young / old
the + 形容詞 = the group of all of them
The young = all young people,   
the old/elderly = all old people

He’s getting up there. =
He’s getting on in years.

He’s still wet behind the ears. = He is young and inexperienced.
He is a cradle-robber.
to rob the cradle  = to date someone much younger than you are
a cougar = an older woman who likes younger men
Act your age!  = Stop acting childish!
How old are you?
What are you? 7 years old?