Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday Night, Dec. 22, 11pm! English lesson!

Nico - Dec. 22, 2017

A teenage Mexican YouTube star who insulted a notorious drug lord has been shot dead.

notorious = infamous
A person of ill repute.
a drug lord = a criminal who controls a drug selling criminal organization

I think this drug lord overreacted.
I think this drug lord overdid it.

1. overreact

2. overdo st

3. to make a mountain out of a molehill 
You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.  
Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. 

4. to blow something (all) out of proportion = to make a mountain out of a molehill 
You’re blowing it/everything all out of proportion. 
Don’t blow everything all out of proportion. 

5. to make a big deal out of nothing =  to make a mountain out of a molehill 
You’re making a big deal out of nothing.   
Don’t make a big deal out of nothing. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Nico - Dec. 17, 2017

Nico - Dec. 17, 2017

1. By comparison my kids are great. 
My kids are comparatively great. 

2. Tomika was originally established as a village in 1954.
Tomika was originally founded as a village in 1954.
It comes from the villages: Tomida (富田) and Kajita (加冶田). 
Those 2 villages merged. 

3. Tomy Co. of Japan was founded in 1924 by Eijira Tomiyama in Tokyo (Robinson 2010). 

4. a gimmick = a technique for attract customers
1,600 yen 

5. He was completely out. = totally asleep

6. to toy with an idea = to think about doing st 
Ex: I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a new dog. 
Ex: She was toying with me. 
He toyed with the smaller boxer.

You are wasting time. 

7. a boy toy = a young man in a relationship with an older woman 

8. a cougar : slang for a woman who likes younger men

9. Boys and their toys! 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday Night, Dec. 11, 10pm! English lesson!

Monday Night, Dec. 11, 10pm! English lesson!

I had originally scheduled a class last night, but I had to cancel due to technical problems.

stress = pressure = tension 

1. I feel stress.   
2. I am stressed.  
3. I am under a lot of stress. 
4. I am stressed out. 
I am tired out. / I am worn out. 
5. How do you deal with stress? 
6. How do you relieve with stress? 
7. What do you do to relieve stress? 
8. Don’t stress over it. = Don’t worry about it. 
Don’t stress too much over it. 
9. I’m under a lot of pressure at work. 
10. My wife is pressuring me to buy her a new car.
My boss is pressuring me to work on Saturday.  
11. He put pressure on me to quit my job. 
12. I work in a high-pressure work environment.
13. Do you work well under pressure? 
     I work well under pressure. / I thrive under pressure. 
     I do not do well under pressure. 
14. No pressure. = Please do not hurry or feel any pressure. 
15. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. 
16. I’m feeling a lot of tension from you. 

You don't seem yourself today. Are you ok?
He has a low-key personality.
You seem a bit down today. Everything OK?

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thursday night Dec. 7, 10pm! English lesson!

Nico - Dec. 7, 2017

Thursday night Dec. 7, 10pm! English lesson!
U.S. President Donald Trump said Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
controversial = 議論を呼ぶ
con = with
contro = against,   
verse= word
Trump is always saying controversial things.
Trump is always saying provocative things.
She wore a sexy dress. = She wore a provocative dress.
She had a provocative smile.
controversial 議論を引き起こす
She smiled at me provocatively.
That is a provocative idea.

compelling = st that really makes you think

He made a very compelling argument.

It's debatable.

Hakuho is debatably the best sumo wrestler in history.
Hakuho is arguably the best sumo wrestler in history.
Hakuho is inarguably the best sumo wrestler in history.

Hakuho is indisputably the best sumo wrestler in history.

He is the undisputed champion.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday night 10pm! English lesson!

Nico - Dec. 4, 2017
1. It’s free. = 
2. = It’s on the house. 
3. = The peanuts are complimentary. 
4. = It’s a courtesy. 
The courtesy van will pick you up from the airport.
The courtesy van will take you to the airport.
Would you like a courtesy wake-up call?
5. = There is no charge. 
6. It’s free of charge.
7. = It’s a freebie.
8. = I got it for nothing.
9. = It came with the food.
10. = Batteries are included.
11. = It was gratis. 
12. I left a gratuity. 
      There is an automatic 15% gratuity added to tables of 8 people or more.
13. I’ll take care of the tip. / I tipped the waitress. / Don't forget to tip your server.
14. He tipped her 20%.
free = adjective, 
free = verb, 
freedom = noun, 
freely = adverb

Feel free to verb.
Animals yearn for freedom. 
SB years to be free.

Free idioms:
1. Are you free?
2. I’m as free as a bird.
3. I’m feeling footloose and fancy free.= no responsibilities
4. I'm finally free and clear of my debt. 
5. The murderer got away scot-free.
6. I'm home-free. = Often used at the end of a journey to show you arrived home safely.
7. One I finish my interview I'll be home-free!
8. This apartment is bug-free.
I’m trying to keep my apartment dust-free.