Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ニコニコ動画 June 17, 2009


Script to video:
Four-year- old Daniel Blair loves his newborn puppy.

So when the little dog got dirty - there was only one thing to do.

"I noticed one of puppies was missing from the cage and, uh, I heard the toilet flush, Daniel told me he'd put the puppy in the toilet to clean him"

From the toilet, he was washed through the drains - ending up under the house next door.

Allison could hear him, the firemen she called could just about see him but no one could get to him.

Cue plumber Will.

"My boss rung me up telling me there was a dog stuck down a drain - flushed down the toilet by a toddler. I didn't believe him at first. I thought he was winding me up"

With his special drain camera Will had no trouble finding the puppy as he leaned right into the manhole. The RSPCA watched the whole thing on a monitor and guided him - while fire crews waited at the other end.

"He was a bit distressed. No one likes to be prodded with a camera"

Just one week old and already four and half hours of his short life had been spent in a sewage pipe. It was astonishing that he made it out alive. Even more incredible was that apart from mild hyperthermia he was perfectly well without even a scratch.

Little Dyno, named after Dyno-Rod the company that saved his life, is one lucky puppy.

And Daniel knows that although his intentions were definitely good, putting Dyno in the toilet wasn't a very good idea.

"And he was scared," Daniel said.

Well he's too tiny to know just how lucky he is but Dyno really is proving that it's not just cats that have nine lives. Salma Siraj, ITV News in Norfolt.

(Typed out by Victor for teaching purposes.)
Headline News:
1. Tokyo bolsters sanctions on Pyongyang
a) to bolster: to support, prop up
1. 〔補助枕{ほじょ まくら}などで〜を}支える、持ち上げる
2. 〔支えることでを元気{げんき}づける、鼓舞{こぶ}する、増強{ぞうきょう}する
b) sanctions: Punitive diplomatic, economic, and social actions taken by the international community against a state that has violated international law.
制裁措置 {せいさい そち}、制裁{せいさい}
2. 7,300 schools highly vulnerable to quakes
a) highly: very
b) vulnerable【形】: weak, able to be damaged or hurt by
1. 〔自分より強い相手や集団に対して〕弱い、脆弱{ぜいじゃく}な
2. 攻撃{こうげき}[被害{ひがい}・損傷{そんしょう}]を受けやすい、攻撃{こうげき}されやすい
c) a quake: an earthquake, 地震
Next section:

1. I'm sorry.

2. I apologize.

3. I sincerely apologize.

4. I can't tell you how sorry I am.

5. Excuse me.

6. Excuse my behavior.

7. Forgive me.

8. I deeply regret my actions.

9. Mea culpa!
1. You want me to apologize!? You should be the one apologizing!

2. There is nothing to apologize for.

3. There is no reason to apologize.

4. You have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who should be apologizing.

5. I demand an apology!

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