Friday, December 9, 2016

今夜は公開生レッスン♪ English Lesson [Details]

今夜は公開生レッスン♪ English Lesson
How long have you ~ in Japan?
“stay” is used when something is not “usual”.
Where are you staying?

What a coincidence!   Where are you staying?
This is a coincidence! Where are you staying?
I feel sick. I don’t feel ~.  I’m going to ~ in bed.
I feel sick. I don’t feel well.  I’m going to ~ in bed.
I feel sick. I don’t feel well.  I’m going to stay in bed.

If you don’t feel well, you should stay home.

If you don’t feel well, you should go to sleep.
If you don’t feel well, you should get some sleep.
go / come —> be /

By what time can you be at work tomorrow?
すぐ行く!= I’ll be right there!
I’m on my way!
I have to go. / I gotta go. / I better get going.
I gotta go. = I got to go.
Come over.
Can you come over? = Can you come to my house?
Can I come over? = Can you go to your house?

It’s just down the street. 
It’s just up the street.
It’s right down/up the block.
Idiom: It’s a stone throw’s away.
I live a stone throw’s away from Nagoya Station.

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