Tuesday, January 31, 2017

(Members Only) 11pm. Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2017 - Mixed! (Actually 31st!)

Nico - Jan. 31, 2017
(Members Only) 11pm. Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2017 - Mixed!

a  rhyme

a traditional English mnemonic rhyme

mnemonic rhymes = 覚え歌
a memory aid


use a mnemonic system記憶法を利用する

In 1492, Colombus sailed the ocean blue.
Beth's Aches
to slip someone's mind  =  つい[うっかり]忘れる、度忘れする
It totally/completely slipped my mind.
I learned my phone number by heart.
learn ~ by heart~を暗記[記憶]する (casual, conversational)
She committed his face to memory. (formal)
commit ~ to memory~を暗記する、記憶する、記憶に留める

He has a memory like steel trap.
He has a memory like an elephant.
He has the memory of an elephant.
"Elephants never forget."
If memory serves.... = If I remember correctly…

Let me jog your memory.
Who is that? Jog my memory. = Tell me something that will help me remember.

That name rings a bell. = That name sounds familiar.

I think I'm a senior moment.
I must be going senile.
I must be getting alzheimers.

I’m going to tattoo her phone number on my brain.
His face is tattooed on my brain.

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