Tuesday, November 29, 2016

(会員) 11pm. Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016 - More DIRTY words!

(会員) 11pm. Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016 - More DIRTY words!
The words are: shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.
the c-word = cunt
the n-word= nigger
the f-word= fuck
I got fucked. = I got a bad deal.
a cunt: a) a vagina, b) a woman you hate, c) a man you disprespect
a bitch < a cunt
a cock = a) a rooster, b) a penis
a cocksucker = a person you do not respect
a motherfucker = a person you do not respect
breasts = boobs = tits
a chicken breast

a tit = a small bird

Monday, November 28, 2016

(会員) 11pm. Monday, Nov. 28, 2016 - RANDOM!

(会員) 11pm. Monday, Nov. 28, 2016 - RANDOM!
1. Fukuoka theme park draws ire over 5,000 fish frozen into ice skate rink

to draw = to pull, to elicit, to make feel,     
ire = formal word for anger,    
wrath = biblical word for anger

7 deadly sins.
1. wrath = anger,
2. gluttony = eating too much,
3. pride = 誇り,
4. sloth = laziness,
5. envy = feeling jealous of others,
6. lust = sexual desire,
7. avarice = greed for money or things

over = reason for st
Ex: They fought over money.
Ex: They fought over a woman.

cruel = 残酷な

to play:
to play a game
He is playing tennis/golf/video games/soccer/baseball/football.

judo, aikido, karate, kung-fu, sumo = martial arts
X I play judo.
Ex: I practice/do judo.
I ice-skate.
X I do box.
I practice boxing.
I box.

X I do ice-skating.  
O I ice-skate.

X I do wrestle. 
O I wrestle.

I bowl.   
I golf.

With toys/friends:

My son likes playing with his friends.
My son likes playing with his blocks.
My son likes playing with his dolls.

He is playing in the park.
He is playing on the jungle gym.

He is in a play.
He is just playing with her.
Don’t play with me.
Don’t put up with people that play with you.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

(会員) 11pm. Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016 - NEWS!

(会員) 11pm. Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016 - NEWS!

1. Fidel Castro died/passed away.
2. Raul Castro is his younger brother.
3. He ruled from 1961 to 2008. 

4. Headline: With One Castro Gone, Questions About What the Other Castro Will Do

5. MEXICO CITY — For half a century, as Fidel Castro transformed Cuba into a Communist state and sparred with the United States, his brother Raúl worked in his shadow, the authoritarian leader’s disciplined, junior partner.

a century = 100 years
to transform = to change
a state = a country
a communist state 共産主義国
to spar = to fight, quarrel
in sb’s shadow =  ~の名声の影で生きる、ひっそりと暮らす
authoritarian = 権威主義者
disciplined = 〔人が〕自制心がある、規律を守る
junior partner = younger partner
a recount = to count the votes again

Trump called Castro a “brutal dictator”.

Raul was the disciplined junior partner of Fidel, the authoritarian leader.

brutal = 残虐な

Scientists are asking Clinton to consider asking for a recount.

fishy = 怪しい

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson

to reimburse = to pay back sb money that they spent o business

Saturday, November 26, 2016

(会員) 11pm. Sat, Nov. 26, 2016 - Dirty English

(会員) 11pm. Sat, Nov. 26, 2016 - Dirty English
1. dirty = a) 汚れている、b) 性的な
My shoes are dirty.
He has a dirty mind.

2. filthy = a) very 汚い, b) very 性的な
My shoes are filthy.   
He has a filthy mind.

3. nasty = a) very bad (nuance of disgusting)
My socks smell nasty.
I fell down and got a nasty bruise on my head.
That is a nasty cut/burn/bruise.
That is a nasty cough.
That is a nasty magazine.
4. Let’s cut to the chase. 
5. The words are: shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.
6. shit = bad quality or うんち
That movie was shit.   
My kanji is shit.
I feel like shit. a) I regret st., b) I feel really sick.
“the shit” = great
That guy is the shit!
You are the shit. = You are the man. = You are great.

7. to piss / piss = verb / noun
I have to piss. = I have to pee.
I am pissed. = USA: I am angry.
I am pissed. = UK: I am drunk.
USA: He is piss drunk. = He is very drunk.
He is piss poor. = He is very poor.

to piss away = to spend quickly / badly
I can’t believe you pissed away your bonus in one weekend.
Idiom: to piss ~ away
to piss away st
He pissed his life away gambling.

8. fuck: a) to have sex, b) to treat badly
He and his girlfriend fucked.
He fucked her., She fucked him.

Fuck you! = 死ね!
Fuck me! = Oh, no!! Oh, my God! (Say when you do something bad/stupid or get bad news!)
fucking = very
This pie is fucking delicious!
You look fucking beautiful!
Fucking great! = Sarcastic way to say, “Oh no!”
Fuck! = I am frustrated!
He fucked me. = He treated me badly. = やられた!
I got fucked! = I got treated badly.
I am fucked! = I am in big trouble!

Set phrases:
Fuck yeah! = YES!
Fuck no! = NO!

Fuck off! = Go away. Leave me alone.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Nico - Nov. 25, 2016

Nico - Nov. 25, 2016

I had pneumonia. 肺炎
入院する to hospitalize sb
退院する to discharge sb

More bird idioms:
I’m not a spring chicken anymore. = I’m not young anymore.

2. as the crow flies = in a straight line

3. A little bird told me.
A: I heard you were getting married. Congrats
B: What?! How did you know? 
A: Oh, a little bird told me.

4. Proverb: Birds of a feather, flock together.

5. a bird brain = a stupid person
That guy is a bird brain.

6. That’s for the birds. = I am not interested in that. It’s silly.
Bungee-jumping is for the birds.

7. Someone’s swan song = someone’s final piece

8. an early bird <—> a night owl

9. goose bumps = 鳥肌
That music gives me goose bumps.

10. Proverb: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
a baby chicken = a chick
to hatch = when an animal comes out of an egg

11. a lame duck: a politician who has little power because he/she is about to be replaced
Obama is a lame duck president.

12. to learn about the birds and the bees = to learn about sex
Ex: When I was a boy my father taught me about the birds and the bees.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

(会員) 11pm. Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016 - I AM BACK!

(会員) 11pm. Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016 - I AM BACK!
I had pneumonia.
肺炎 pneumonia
2. I was hospitalized.
3. They put me on an I.V.  点滴
I.V. = Intravenous (Drip)

I was getting three I.V.s a day.
TOP 7 Bird Idioms & proverbs

4. I was discharged 6 days later. 退院される
This word can also be used for the military.
He was honorably discharged.
He was dishonorably discharged.

5. I had phlegm. タン
to kill two birds with one stone.                                                  = to accomplish 2 things with 1 action
I’ll kill two birds with one stone and take this pie over to my neighbor’s house on my way to the dvd store.

2. like water off a duck’s back = having no effect
Criticism flows off him like water off a duck’s back.

3. to be as free as a bird = having no more responsibilities
Once winter vacation starts next month I’ll be as free as a bird.

4. Proverb: The early bird catches the worm. = You can get more done if you get up early.

5. an ugly duckling = someone who used to be ugly but little by little became more and more beautiful

6. to eat like a bird = to eat very little
She eats like a bird. <—> She eats like a horse.

7. to take someone under your wing: to accept sb as a kind of student and guide them or tutor them
When I first came to the company, he took me under his wing and showed me the ropes.

8. like chicken with his head cut off = acting in a panicking way

9. to go cold turkey = to stop doing st completely
I stopped smoking cold turkey.

Extra stuff.

10. to show sb the ropes = to show sb the basics

(会員) 選挙の最終結果 Election Results! Wed. 11

(会員) 選挙の最終結果 Election Results! Wed. 11
Trump won the election.
Trump won 276 to 218. ]
Trump won.
Trump beat Clinton 276 to 218.
Trump beat Clinton.
I’m bummed.,  I’m depressed.,  I’m disappointed.
I’m happily surprised. 
I’m speechless.
I’m at a loss for words.
I’m flabbergasted.
When I heard the news, my jaw hit the floor.
I’m dumbfounded.
I’m astounded.
I’m stunned. (good or bad)
Hillary called Trump and conceded.
I don’t know if Hillary has given her concession speech yet.
Hillary won the popular vote. 
Trump won the electoral college.
Each state has at least 2 Senators and 1 Representative.
It’s a winner-take-all system.
Inauguration Day = The Day the New President gets sworn in.
Inauguration Day is January 20th.
Trump will be inaugurated President on January 20th.