Saturday, November 26, 2016

(会員) 11pm. Sat, Nov. 26, 2016 - Dirty English

(会員) 11pm. Sat, Nov. 26, 2016 - Dirty English
1. dirty = a) 汚れている、b) 性的な
My shoes are dirty.
He has a dirty mind.

2. filthy = a) very 汚い, b) very 性的な
My shoes are filthy.   
He has a filthy mind.

3. nasty = a) very bad (nuance of disgusting)
My socks smell nasty.
I fell down and got a nasty bruise on my head.
That is a nasty cut/burn/bruise.
That is a nasty cough.
That is a nasty magazine.
4. Let’s cut to the chase. 
5. The words are: shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.
6. shit = bad quality or うんち
That movie was shit.   
My kanji is shit.
I feel like shit. a) I regret st., b) I feel really sick.
“the shit” = great
That guy is the shit!
You are the shit. = You are the man. = You are great.

7. to piss / piss = verb / noun
I have to piss. = I have to pee.
I am pissed. = USA: I am angry.
I am pissed. = UK: I am drunk.
USA: He is piss drunk. = He is very drunk.
He is piss poor. = He is very poor.

to piss away = to spend quickly / badly
I can’t believe you pissed away your bonus in one weekend.
Idiom: to piss ~ away
to piss away st
He pissed his life away gambling.

8. fuck: a) to have sex, b) to treat badly
He and his girlfriend fucked.
He fucked her., She fucked him.

Fuck you! = 死ね!
Fuck me! = Oh, no!! Oh, my God! (Say when you do something bad/stupid or get bad news!)
fucking = very
This pie is fucking delicious!
You look fucking beautiful!
Fucking great! = Sarcastic way to say, “Oh no!”
Fuck! = I am frustrated!
He fucked me. = He treated me badly. = やられた!
I got fucked! = I got treated badly.
I am fucked! = I am in big trouble!

Set phrases:
Fuck yeah! = YES!
Fuck no! = NO!

Fuck off! = Go away. Leave me alone.

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