Friday, November 25, 2016

Nico - Nov. 25, 2016

Nico - Nov. 25, 2016

I had pneumonia. 肺炎
入院する to hospitalize sb
退院する to discharge sb

More bird idioms:
I’m not a spring chicken anymore. = I’m not young anymore.

2. as the crow flies = in a straight line

3. A little bird told me.
A: I heard you were getting married. Congrats
B: What?! How did you know? 
A: Oh, a little bird told me.

4. Proverb: Birds of a feather, flock together.

5. a bird brain = a stupid person
That guy is a bird brain.

6. That’s for the birds. = I am not interested in that. It’s silly.
Bungee-jumping is for the birds.

7. Someone’s swan song = someone’s final piece

8. an early bird <—> a night owl

9. goose bumps = 鳥肌
That music gives me goose bumps.

10. Proverb: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
a baby chicken = a chick
to hatch = when an animal comes out of an egg

11. a lame duck: a politician who has little power because he/she is about to be replaced
Obama is a lame duck president.

12. to learn about the birds and the bees = to learn about sex
Ex: When I was a boy my father taught me about the birds and the bees.

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