Thursday, November 24, 2016

(会員) 11pm. Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016 - I AM BACK!

(会員) 11pm. Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016 - I AM BACK!
I had pneumonia.
肺炎 pneumonia
2. I was hospitalized.
3. They put me on an I.V.  点滴
I.V. = Intravenous (Drip)

I was getting three I.V.s a day.
TOP 7 Bird Idioms & proverbs

4. I was discharged 6 days later. 退院される
This word can also be used for the military.
He was honorably discharged.
He was dishonorably discharged.

5. I had phlegm. タン
to kill two birds with one stone.                                                  = to accomplish 2 things with 1 action
I’ll kill two birds with one stone and take this pie over to my neighbor’s house on my way to the dvd store.

2. like water off a duck’s back = having no effect
Criticism flows off him like water off a duck’s back.

3. to be as free as a bird = having no more responsibilities
Once winter vacation starts next month I’ll be as free as a bird.

4. Proverb: The early bird catches the worm. = You can get more done if you get up early.

5. an ugly duckling = someone who used to be ugly but little by little became more and more beautiful

6. to eat like a bird = to eat very little
She eats like a bird. <—> She eats like a horse.

7. to take someone under your wing: to accept sb as a kind of student and guide them or tutor them
When I first came to the company, he took me under his wing and showed me the ropes.

8. like chicken with his head cut off = acting in a panicking way

9. to go cold turkey = to stop doing st completely
I stopped smoking cold turkey.

Extra stuff.

10. to show sb the ropes = to show sb the basics

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