Thursday, June 29, 2017

(会員) June 28, 2017 - 11pm Wed. Night Lesson - Mixed

 (会員) June 28, 2017 - 11pm Wed. Night Lesson - Mixed

The woman learned that the man had been cheating on her.
to learn = to find
A cheated on B. = 浮気する = to have an affair = to have a fling

She was furious. She decided to pour disinfectant on him.
消毒液 = disinfectant


What happened next is unclear. She claims that he lit a cigarette and turned into a human fireball.

He ran out of the car, and into an electrical equipment store.
Witnesses say he was screaming HOT! HOT! and HELP ME!
Meanwhile, the woman in the car sped away.
Meanwhile, the woman in the car fled the scene of the crime.

flee / fled / fled
flee = 逃げる
flea = ノミ

I assume he was taken to the hospital.

On June 26th she turned herself in to the police.

She says he lit himself on fire by accident.

Hidaruma  no dansei,. onna taiho
「 uwaki de yogoreta karada o shōdoku suru tame 」

逮捕された taihosareta = was arrested
の no = following a verb it acts as a gerund maker or nominalizer.
逮捕されたの taihosaretano = the person arrested

は wa = topic marker
堺市 sakai shi = Sakai City
の no = 's
無職 mushoku = unemployed
She is unemployed.

She is inbetween jobs.

容疑者 yougisha = suspect

警察によりますと keisatsu ni yorimasu to = according to the police

斧容疑者 Ono yougisha  = Suspect Ono

は wa = topic marker
先週 senshuu = last week
19日 juuku nichi = 19th

堺市西区 Sakai Shi Nishi Ku = Sakai City, Nishi Ward

停車中 teishachuu = inside a stopped car

40代 yonjuu dai = a person in their 40s
He was in his 40s.

つけた tsuketa = to light

火をつけた hi wo tsuketa = to light a fire

She set him on fire.  
She lit a cigarette.
He put out the fire.   
(Formal) He extinguished the fire.

疑い utagai = suspect, suspicion
が ga = subject marker

持たれています motareteimasu = holding

火をつけた疑いが持たれています hi wo tsuketa utagai ga motareteimasu = there is a suspicion of setting fire

He was arrested on suspicion of ~.

男性 dansei = man
は wa = topic marker
近く chikako = close by

の no = 's
電気設備会社 denki setsubi gaisha = electrical equipment company

の no = 's
店舗 tenpo = store
に ni = indicates direction of verb, to

逃げ込みました nigekomimashita = successfully ran away, take refuge
が ga = subject marker
全身 zenshin = whole body
を wo = indicates what the verb will act on
火傷して yakedoshite = to get burned
重症 juushou =
severe injury
です desu = polite ending to a sentence like "be"

His entire body was burned.
He is in serious condition. < He is in critical condition.

助けて tasukete = help

全身まっかっかで zenshin makkakka de = with the whole body completely red

現場 genba = scene of the crime

防犯カメラ bouhan kamera = surveillance camera

には ni wa = at
走り去る hashirisaru = speed away

出頭 shuttou = turn oneself in

調べに対し shirabi ni taishi = according to the investigation

浮気 uwaki = have an affair

汚れた yogoreta = dirtied

消毒する shoudoku suru = disinfect

消毒液 shoudokueki = antiseptic

arrested / charged / tried / sentenced / imprisoned




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