Thursday, July 20, 2017

(会員) July 14, 2017 - 10:30pm Fri. Night Lesson - This week in the news...

(会員) July 14, 2017 - 10:30pm Fri. Night Lesson - This week in the news...
1. a tragedy = 悲劇  
2. tragic = 悲劇的な
3. to tumble = to fall down, especially from a high place
Stocks tumbled. 
He tumbled down the hill/stairs/escalator.
4. 車椅子 = a wheelchair 
5. 付き添い tsukisoi = assistant or escort

The woman in the wheelchair was accompanied by her husband.
6. 引っ掛かった = get snagged/caught/stuck on st 
Ex. Her dress got snagged on a tree branch. 

7. 倒れる = to fall
to fall ill = to become sick 
fall / fell / fallen
8. The husband lost his balance.
9. 巻き込まれる。= to get involved in
= to get tangled up in 
Ex. Trump’s son has gotten tangled up in his Russian scandal. 
10. ベビーカー = baby stroller/carriage
11. ~はご遠慮ください。= Please refrain from ~ing.
12. 未然に防ぐ = to prevent st, to take precautions 
13. a passerby = sb walking by when a crime or incident happens

Police are currently questioning the man, looking into the possibility of arrest on charges of negligent homicide.

homo = same, homo/homin = man
~cide = kill

He broke his leg. 

He fractured his leg. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

(会員) July 12, 2017 - 11pm Wed.. Night Lesson - work!

 (会員) July 12, 2017 - 11pm Wed.. Night Lesson - work!

Nico - Wed. July 12, 2017
It’s raining like a bitch.
Standard idiom: It’s raining cats and dogs.
a cliché = 決まり文句/日本語
snobby = stuck up = snobbish = sb who thinks they are more important than others
It’s pouring.
It’s really coming down.
It’s raining hard.
It’s coming down in buckets.
It’s coming down in sheets.
It’s pissing down rain.
1. to be on the same page = to be in agreement about where you are now and where you want to go

2. to think outside the box = to try and solve a problem in a creative way

3. to be a straight shooter = a person who is honest and direct

4. to beat around the bush = to not get to point quickly

Negotiation idioms:
5. to play hard ball = to be very tough about one’s demands
Ex: She plays hard ball.

6. to play ball = to be willing to negotiate with sb, to be willing to cooperate with sb

7. The ball is in your court. = I have made an offer. Now it’s your turn to answer or make a counter offer.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

(会員) July 11, 2017 - 11pm Tues. Night Lesson - dreams...

(会員) July 11, 2017 - 11pm Tues. Night Lesson - dreams...

1. Be careful what you wish for….
Let’s say you wished you were rich.
Let’s say that you actually became rich.
If you became rich, I am sure many of your poor relatives would come and ask you for money.
Relatives would come out of the woodwork.
woodwork = the wooden parts of a room or building, such as window frames or doors.

2. a pipe dream = an impossible dream
I wish I could direct movies in Hollywood, but I know it’s a pipe dream.

3. super rich: He is rich beyond your wildest dreams.

4. unbelievable but true: This is like a dream!

5. Dreams come true. / Sometimes dreams come true.

6. déjà vue = the feeling you have seen or experienced something before — either in real life or in a dream
I’m having déjà vue.

7. He’s rich. / He’s loaded. / He’s wealthy. / He’s well-to-do. / He’s well off. / He’s affluent.

8. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

9. He has money to burn.

10. I got a great job at Google! So I am in the money now!

11. I got a great job at Google! I am rolling in money.

12. He is made of money.
That guy literally has money to burn.

Often these expressions are used to show you do not have money:
Do you think I’m made of money?
I don’t have money to burn.
I’m not made of money.

13. Money does not grow on trees.

14. That’s rich. = That’s funny. (often used sarcastically) 
15. That’s too rich for my blood. = That is too much for me to gamble.

16. The cake is (too) rich.

17. Japan has a rich culture.

18. I don’t have 2 nickels to rub together.
That guy looks like he doesn’t have 2 nickels to rub together.

(会員) July 7, 2017 - 11pm Fri. Night Lesson - wishes, hopes and dreams

(会員) July 7, 2017 - 11pm Fri. Night Lesson - wishes, hopes and dreams
1. Set phrases use wish: We wish you a Merry Christmas., I wish you the best.
2. Wish is used for impossible things: I wish I could fly., I wish I was rich., I wish you would shut up.
Classic: I wish I were rich. / Modern: I wish I was rich.
3. You wish. = Impossible., I disagree with you.
Victor: I think I’m more handsome than Johnny Depp. 
You: You wish!

4. I wish. = No.
A: Have you ever met Lola?
B: I wish.

5. As you wish. = Yes. I will do that.

6. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

7. Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets filled first.

8. I wish I could help you.  = No.
9. I hope I pass the test.  = possible
10. I hope you remembered to bring your bathing suit.

11. Cross my heart and hope to die. = Yes, it’s true.
A: Did you really meet Brad Pitt? 
B: Cross my heart and hope to die.

12. Don’t give up hope.

13. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

14. My parents had high hope for me. = My parents expected me to really succeed.

15. Don’t get your hopes up! = あまり期待しない方がいいよ。 = Don’t hold your breath.

I hope all your wishes/dreams come true.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

(会員) July 6, 2017 - 11pm Thur. Night Lesson - Join us!

(会員) July 6, 2017 - 11pm Thur. Night Lesson - Join us!
Today’s lesson was inspired by death.
be inspired by ~ ~からアイデアを得る、~に刺激される
This movie was inspired by a true story
a) death, b) die, c) dead
I’m scared of death.
When someone dies the doctor issues a death certificate.
issue a certificate = 証明書を交付する
death certificate 死亡証明書
I’m dying. a) 死にかけている、 b) super funny, c) really tired
X He is die.
O He is dead.
I’m dead.
I’m dead = I’m in big trouble.
You are dead. = threatening expression
You are dead! = I’m going to attack or kill you!
She committed suicide.
She took her own life.
She killed herself.
He committed murder.
Pattern: SB committed CRIME
He decided to end it. / He ended it.
I’ll end you.
1. That’s life.
Such is life.
2. 絶対 = You (can) bet your life.
3. ~ is a fact of life. = It is unpleasant but cannot be avoided.
4. Life begins at (AGE). Life begins at 40/50/60.
5. Proverb: The best things in life are free.
6. For the life of me, ~. = no matter how hard I try
For the life of me, I can’t understand why he did that.
I know her, but for the life of me, I can't remember how I met her.
7. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. = He was born into a rich family.
8. I wasn’t born yesterday. = I’m not stupid or naive. You can’t fool me.
9. He is a natural born entertainer.
He is a natural born teacher/writer/singer/leader.
10. Were you born in a barn?
That guy was born in a barn.
Hey! Take your feet off the table. You weren’t born in  barn.