Thursday, July 20, 2017

(会員) July 14, 2017 - 10:30pm Fri. Night Lesson - This week in the news...

(会員) July 14, 2017 - 10:30pm Fri. Night Lesson - This week in the news...
1. a tragedy = 悲劇  
2. tragic = 悲劇的な
3. to tumble = to fall down, especially from a high place
Stocks tumbled. 
He tumbled down the hill/stairs/escalator.
4. 車椅子 = a wheelchair 
5. 付き添い tsukisoi = assistant or escort

The woman in the wheelchair was accompanied by her husband.
6. 引っ掛かった = get snagged/caught/stuck on st 
Ex. Her dress got snagged on a tree branch. 

7. 倒れる = to fall
to fall ill = to become sick 
fall / fell / fallen
8. The husband lost his balance.
9. 巻き込まれる。= to get involved in
= to get tangled up in 
Ex. Trump’s son has gotten tangled up in his Russian scandal. 
10. ベビーカー = baby stroller/carriage
11. ~はご遠慮ください。= Please refrain from ~ing.
12. 未然に防ぐ = to prevent st, to take precautions 
13. a passerby = sb walking by when a crime or incident happens

Police are currently questioning the man, looking into the possibility of arrest on charges of negligent homicide.

homo = same, homo/homin = man
~cide = kill

He broke his leg. 

He fractured his leg. 

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