Wednesday, July 12, 2017

(会員) July 12, 2017 - 11pm Wed.. Night Lesson - work!

 (会員) July 12, 2017 - 11pm Wed.. Night Lesson - work!

Nico - Wed. July 12, 2017
It’s raining like a bitch.
Standard idiom: It’s raining cats and dogs.
a cliché = 決まり文句/日本語
snobby = stuck up = snobbish = sb who thinks they are more important than others
It’s pouring.
It’s really coming down.
It’s raining hard.
It’s coming down in buckets.
It’s coming down in sheets.
It’s pissing down rain.
1. to be on the same page = to be in agreement about where you are now and where you want to go

2. to think outside the box = to try and solve a problem in a creative way

3. to be a straight shooter = a person who is honest and direct

4. to beat around the bush = to not get to point quickly

Negotiation idioms:
5. to play hard ball = to be very tough about one’s demands
Ex: She plays hard ball.

6. to play ball = to be willing to negotiate with sb, to be willing to cooperate with sb

7. The ball is in your court. = I have made an offer. Now it’s your turn to answer or make a counter offer.

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