Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Movie「英会話」- Guardians of The Galaxy - Peter and the Broker

Movie「英会話」- Guardians of The Galaxy - Peter and the Broker

The video:

Join me!
Guardians of the Galaxy - first meeting
Yondu was commissioned to kidnap Peter.
Yondu raised Peter to be a criminal.
Xandar = planet
This broker  is Xandarian.
Set phrases: What line of work are you in? = What’s your job?
Peter betrayed Yondu. 裏切った
「よろしく」って伝えて。= Send my regards/love. / Give him my regards.
Peter is a womanizer. = 女たらしい
平和条約 peace treaty
He is the best ~ in the business.
1. The Broker: Mr. Quill.
2. Peter Quill: Broker. The orb. [he holds out the orb and places it on the counter in front of the Broker] As commissioned.
3. The Broker: Where's Yondu?
4. Peter Quill: Wanted to be here, sends his love. And told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrows in the business. [the Broker picks up the orb] What is it?
5. The Broker: It's my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs.
6. Peter Quill: Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you.
7. The Broker: An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work.
8. Peter Quill: Some machine-headed freak, working for a dude named Ronan. [the Broker suddenly looks afraid]
9. The Broker: Ronan? I'm sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved. [he gives the orb back to Peter and starts pushing him towards his shop door]
10. Peter Quill: Woah! Woah, woah, woah! Who's Ronan?
11. The Broker: A Kree fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence! [the Brokers starts pushing Peter again]
12. Peter Quill: Woah. Come on!
13. The Broker: He's someone whose bad side I'd rather not be on.
14. Peter Quill: What? What about my bad side? [the Broker opens his shop door and pushes Peter out]
to wipe st from existence = to basically erase st, to make st disappear in a violent way
He’s someone who’s bad side I’d rather not be on.
Idiom: to be on sb’s bad side = to be disliked by sb because of st you did
to be on sb’s good side = to be liked by sb because of st you did

Monday, February 26, 2018

Random Idiom Chain - Problems to unlucky! (会員)2月25日(日曜日)English Live Lesson 11pm

(会員)2月25日(日曜日)English Live Lesson 11pm

Random Idiom Chain

1. Don’t worry about him. His bark is worse than his bite.

2. He bit off more than he could chew. = He tried doing something he was not able to do.

3. My boss chewed me out. = My boss yelled at me because he was angry.

4. My boss bit my head off. = He really yelled at me — too much — because I made a mistake.

5. to be rained out = to be canceled because of rain
The baseball game got rained out.

6. S.O.L. = Shit Out of Luck = He is too unlucky and there is no more hope.

Friday, February 23, 2018

(会員)2月23日(金曜日)English Live Lesson 11pm

(会員)223日(金曜日)English Live Lesson 11pm
to have good sportsmanship

an opponent = 相手
an opposing team 

Don’t cheat. 
Don’t dope. = Don’t use banned substances.

He medalled in figure skating. 
He won/took gold in speed skating.

He is the most decorated Japanese Olympian.
Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian in individual events.

He took home the Gold/Silver/Bronze. 

Hanyu is the reigning champion. 

Fernandez dethroned Hanyu. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

(公開)2018年2月21日(水曜日)22:00 英会話ライブレッスン

(公開)2018年2月21日(水曜日)22:00 英会話ライブレッスン

I fell down the stairs.
I fell up the stairs. 
1. Let me ~
a) Let me see.  
request to do st 
b) Let me get a pen. 
Let me wash my hands first.

2. Could ~? 
a) Could I see that? 
b) Could you teach me English?
c) Could you come here?
d) Could you close the door?

3. Do you mind?  
a) いいですか?
b) ちょっとお願いしていい?
c) Stop that. / やめて。

4. 魚釣りに行ったことありますか?
Have you
Have you ever been fishing?
Have you ever gone to ~?

5. By what time can you be at work tomorrow?

6. Mind + noun/名詞 
Mind your (own)business!
Mind the road.
Mind your manners.
Mind your step.
Watch your step.
Watch + noun/名詞 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2018年2月20日(火曜日)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Synonyms for “problem”

2018220日(火曜日)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン
Synonyms for “problem”
a euphemism = a nice way to say st not so nice
1. an issue = a nice word for “problem”
Money is no problem/issue.  
Money is not an issue. 
There is the issue of money. 
Money is an issue. 
Money is always an issue. 

2. a glitch = a small problem that stops things from working right
There’s a bit of a glitch. 

3. a hitch = a problem, or something slows things down in a negative way
The party went off without a hitch. = smooth, no problem
Everything went without a hitch.

4. a snag = an unexpected problem  
We hit a bit of snag.

5. a setback = a problem that changes the direction of forward movement, st that stops you
We had a bit of a setback when the president of the company was injured in a car accident. 

6. a hiccup = a temporary or minor problem or setback.
I have a problem remembering kanji. 
I have trouble remembering kanji. 
I have difficulty remembering kanji. 

7. SNAFU = big problem
situation normal all fucked up 

8. FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
That was big mistake. = That was a FUBAR. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday Night, Feb. 16, 2018, 11pm! Love lesson! Part 2!

Friday Night, Feb. 16, 2018, 11pm! Love lesson! Part 2!

1. I think I’m falling in ~ with my best friend’s wife. What should I do?

2. I saw Maggie at the pet store and it was love at ~ ~.

3. I thought I loved my teacher when I was 7 years old, but it was only ~ love.

4. My sister keeps arranging ~ dates for me. She’d just love to fix me up with someone.

BONUS: My sister fixed me up with one of her friends.
5. I fell ~ over ~ in love with her.

6. They had sex. = They ~ love.

7. All he ever thinks about is sex. = He has a one ~ mind.

8. They got married. = They tied the ~.

9. I asked her to marry me. = I ~ the question.
10. They are the perfect couple. = It’s a match made in ~.

11. They don’t like each other. = There is no love ~ between them.

12. I really like her. = I have the ~ for her.

I have the ~ for her. > I have a crush on her.

BONUS: There is no love lost between Asan and Bsan















1. love, 2. first sight, 3. puppy, 4. blind, 5. head / heels, 6. made, 7. track, 8. knot, 9. popped, 10. Heaven, 11. lost, 12.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wednesday Night, Feb. 14, 2018, 10pm! Love lesson!

Wednesday Night, Feb. 14, 2018, 10pm! Love lesson!

Valentine’s Day
1. I saw her on the subway and I immediately loved her. = It was ~???

2. I loved her, but she didn’t love me. It was ~ love.

3. I had a ~ on the waitress for a long time.

4. I was in love with her when I was a kid. Of course it wasn’t real love. It was just ~ love.

5. She broke up with me in high school. I was destroyed. She ~ my ~.

6. She broke my heart. = I was ~.

7. I went out on a date with a woman I had never met before. My friends set me up with her. It was a ~ date.

8. ¥恋に落ちる = ????

9. I love her. = I am in love with her. = I am ~ over ~ in love with her.

10. He thought about her day and night. It was not healthy. He was ~ with her.

Answer: 1. love at first sight, 2. 片思い unrequited love / a one-sided affair, to carry a torch for sb, 3. crush, 4. puppy, 5. broke/heart, 6. heartbroken, 7. blind, 8. to fall in love, 9. head / heels, 10. obsessed…

onomatopoeia: She makes my heart go pitter-patter.
pitter-patter = ドキドキ & パタパタ
He married his first love. 初恋と結婚した。

Mutual friends set us up.

恋に落ちる = to fall in love
I fell in love with her.
I fell in love with that show.

I/we fell out of love. 

Not so strong:
I'm crazy/bananas/nuts about you.