Wednesday, February 21, 2018

(公開)2018年2月21日(水曜日)22:00 英会話ライブレッスン

(公開)2018年2月21日(水曜日)22:00 英会話ライブレッスン

I fell down the stairs.
I fell up the stairs. 
1. Let me ~
a) Let me see.  
request to do st 
b) Let me get a pen. 
Let me wash my hands first.

2. Could ~? 
a) Could I see that? 
b) Could you teach me English?
c) Could you come here?
d) Could you close the door?

3. Do you mind?  
a) いいですか?
b) ちょっとお願いしていい?
c) Stop that. / やめて。

4. 魚釣りに行ったことありますか?
Have you
Have you ever been fishing?
Have you ever gone to ~?

5. By what time can you be at work tomorrow?

6. Mind + noun/名詞 
Mind your (own)business!
Mind the road.
Mind your manners.
Mind your step.
Watch your step.
Watch + noun/名詞 

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