Wednesday, February 14, 2018

ENGLISH LESSON - Sunday, Feb. 11, 2018, 10pm

Nico - Feb. 11, 2018

1. I had a migraine (headache). 偏頭痛
2. debilitating 衰弱させる
3. the fetal position 胎位
4. to head somewhere = to go somewhere
I am headed to Tokyo.
I am heading to Tokyo.

synonyms for head
5. Use your head/brains.
noggin, noodle,
Technical: intellect, intelligence, cerebral matter

6. to pick sb’s brains = to ask sb who has more knowledge and/or experience about a certain subject
Ex: I want to pick your brain about dog training tips.

7. to be in over one’s head = to be in a situation that is too difficult for you
Ex: I’m in over my head! = This situation is too much for me to handle.

8. to go over one’s head = to be too difficult to understand
Ex: That joke went right over my head.
That conversation went over my head.

9. to bite sb’s head off = to get really angry and yell at someone
Ex: The boss bit my head off for being late.

10. to be touched in the head
Ex. He is touched in the head.

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