Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday Night, Feb. 8, 2018, 11pm! English lesson!

Dirty words!
1. a pervert = 痴漢
2. pervy = adjective or pervert
That guy is a pervert. 
That guy is pervy.

3. a deviant = sb with very strange sexual tastes
That guy is a deviant. 

4. twisted / warped = really weird, not normal at all
He has a twisted/warped sense of humor.

5. a weirdo / a freak = a very strange person

6. cryptocurrency = things like bitcoin

7. Japan's Women's hockey team eye next step.
Ex: Don't eye me! / Are you eyeing?

8. The agency says that falling catches are due to climate change.
水産庁 = Fisheries Agency
due to = because of
climate change = 気候変動

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