Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2018年2月20日(火曜日)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Synonyms for “problem”

2018220日(火曜日)23:00 英会話ライブレッスン
Synonyms for “problem”
a euphemism = a nice way to say st not so nice
1. an issue = a nice word for “problem”
Money is no problem/issue.  
Money is not an issue. 
There is the issue of money. 
Money is an issue. 
Money is always an issue. 

2. a glitch = a small problem that stops things from working right
There’s a bit of a glitch. 

3. a hitch = a problem, or something slows things down in a negative way
The party went off without a hitch. = smooth, no problem
Everything went without a hitch.

4. a snag = an unexpected problem  
We hit a bit of snag.

5. a setback = a problem that changes the direction of forward movement, st that stops you
We had a bit of a setback when the president of the company was injured in a car accident. 

6. a hiccup = a temporary or minor problem or setback.
I have a problem remembering kanji. 
I have trouble remembering kanji. 
I have difficulty remembering kanji. 

7. SNAFU = big problem
situation normal all fucked up 

8. FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
That was big mistake. = That was a FUBAR. 

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