Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ニコニコ July 29, 2009

Today we talked about these words.

afraid of / afraid to/ afraid for / afraid that


I’m afraid of snakes.

I’m afraid of sharks.

I’m afraid of love.

I’m afraid of making mistakes.

I’m afraid to speak English.

I’m afraid to talk to her.

I’m afraid to speak English.

I’m afraid to swim.

I’m afraid for you. You might lose your job.

I’m afraid for you. = I'm worried about you.

I’m afraid that I can’t.

This has the 恐れ入れますがfeeling...

"That's a piece of cake." is one of the most common movie expressions.

So is "Piece of cake."


Another group of words that often appears in movies ...


noun/person: ~ is a creep.

noun/thing: ~ gives me the creeps.

verb: ~ creeps me out.

adjective: ~ is creepy!

That music is creepy.

Tonight a student made these sentences.

Moobs give me the creeps.

Man boobs give me the creeps.


Proverbs/saying/expressions about looks/みかけ.


1) Clothes make the man.

2) You look like a million dollars.

3) Looks can be deceiving.

4) All that glitters is not gold.

5) Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

6)Seeing is believing.

7) A picture is worth a thousand words.

8) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

9) Beauty is only skin deep.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ニコニコ動画 July 28, 2009

Today we talked about appearances:

to look ~
You look + adjective
You looked good/tired/happy.


to look like ~
to look like + noun
You look like Hell.
You look like my cousin.
You look like you are angry.


The following words can be used the same way that LOOK is used:

to [look/sound/feel/smell/taste] + adjective

to [look/sound/feel/smell/taste] + like + noun

SEEM is not limited to just ONE sense. SEEM is used for a 雰囲気 or feeling of something. NOT just what you see, hear, feel, smell or taste.

to seem ~
You seem angry/sad/etc.

to seem like ~
It seems like you always do well!

APPEAR can be used in a similar way but it also means 現れる。
to appear ~
He appeared in the street.
He appeared drunk.
He appeared to me in a dream

to appear to be ~
He appears to be drunk.
The suspect appeared to be intoxicated.

In your dreams. < Not even in your dreams.

Dream on. = No way. That will never happen.

Not even in your dreams. Not a chance. No way. Dream on. Over my dead body. When pigs fly. When Hell freezes over.

to be seen as ~
Japanese are seen as shy.
Japanese are seen as hard working.
Japanese are seen as honorable.
Japanese are seen as internationally insecure.

Japanese are considered Asian.

to be considered / to be seen

Japanese are generally seen as polite.

He comes across as cold, but he’s really just shy.

Opinionated people often come across as jerks.

opinionated=to have a strong opinion
Study hard!

July 27, 2009年7月27日

In today's class we studied the following:

to exaggerate=大げさに言う
He exaggerates everything.

A: It rained so hard I thought we were going to drown!
B:Don’t exaggerate! It wasn’t that bad!

to sneeze= くしゃみをする

to estimate: 評価する、見積もる、見積書を作成する
I'm estimating.=I’m guessing.

Useful expression:
I’m in the habit of ~ing.
I’m not in the habit of ~ing.

# in the habit of
《be ~》~する習慣がある、常習的に~する、~するのを常とする、決まって~する

in the habit of interfering in other people's affairs
《be ~》干渉好きである
in the habit of jogging every day
《be ~》毎日{まいにち}ジョギングする
in the habit of saying
《be ~》~が口癖である
in the habit of using the sign
《be ~》そのしぐさをする癖がある

~ is a good/bad habit.

You should get into the habit of ~ing.

to get in the habit of doing

Do you believe in Hell?
Hell is (not) part of our believe system.

1) Which is faster, hot or cold?
2. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms.
The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and
the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
to condemn sb to death=to sentence sb to death
a raging fire=a very strong and big fire
an assassin=a killer
a loaded gun: a gun with bullets in it.

By the way you should know how to say: I’m hungry this way:
I’m starved/starving.: I’m hungry.

3. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

consecutive=continuous, in a row, 連続した、連続的な、立て続けの、継続的な
1) Hot is faster.
You can catch a cold.

2. The third. Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead.

3. Sure you can: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow!
the epicenter=where the earthquake comes from, 震央{しんおう}、発生地{はっせい ち}、震源地{しんげんち}、中心点
the magnitude= the strength of the earthquake, マグニチュード
You can use the word HIT to describe when an earthquake happens. For example:
An earthquake of magnitude 3 struck/hit Aichi this morning.
A tornado hit Japan.
A hurricane/typhoon will hit us tomorrow.

ニコニコ動画 July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009

I can’t shake this cold.= I have sick for a while and can’t seem to get better.

It’s really been coming down. = It’s really been coming down.

A brain teaser is a kind of riddle, an interesting questions with an interesting question.
Q: Why are fish so smart.
A: Because they are always in school!

Remember animal groups!
a crowd of insects
a swarm of insects
a herd of cows, horses, buffalo
a flock of birds, pigeons, and sheep
a murder of crows
a pride of lions
a pod of whales/dolphins

Something’s fishy.
Something smells fishy.

a proverb=諺
There are plenty of fish in the sea.
a metaphor
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him forever. = It is better to teach a man how to take care of himself than just give him charity.
I also found the below on the internet.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Mary’s father has 4 kids; 3 are named Nana, Nene, and Nini. So what is the 4th child’s name?
to father sb: to be the biological father of sb
He fathered 6 children, 3 with this first wife and 3 with his second wife.
Did Michael Jackson actually father his own children?

to mother sb=to spoil sb, to be overprotective
Stop mothering me. I’m 23 years old now!

Riddle: What do you get when you cross an automobile with a household animal?
Answer! A carpet!

Good job! You’re as smart as an 8 year old kid.

What is a pet-peeve? = Something that especially bothers you

I can’t stand people who throw garbage in the street! It’s a pet peeve of mine.

He is the teacher’s pet. The teacher likes him the most.

The following are used when talking about people who do ごますり。
a kiss-ass
a suck-up
a brown-noser
an apple polisher
to kiss sb’s ass
to kiss sb’s butt
to brown-nose

Riddle: What i full of holes but holds water?
Answer: A sponge!

That story doesn’t hold water.
That story is full of holes.
I’m gonna punch a hole in his argument. = to show the weakness of an argument

Monday, July 20, 2009

ニコニコ動画 June 20, 2009

1) faith
  1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
  2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See synonyms at belief, trust.
  3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.

n. - 信頼, 信念, 信仰, 教義, 信義, 約束, 誓約

Do you have faith in people?

You should have more faith in yourself!

I have lost faith in God.

I have lost faith in the government.

2) a perk: a benefit
What kinds of perks does your company offer?

3) bitch
to complain

Stop your bitching!=Stop complaining!
1) China says it holds 'indisputable sovereignty' over Senkaku Islands

indisputable: unquestionable, beyond a doubt

He is indisputably the best baseball player in Japan.

A: Do you think I'm a good guitar player?
B1: Oh, yes! Indisputably!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nico Nico Douga July 12, 2009 Beginner to Advanced.

Beginner English:
1. I'm embarrassed.
2. I'm embarrassed of my Japanese.
3. I'm embarrassed for you.
4. How embarrassing!
5. I'm an embarrassment to my family.
PDA=public display of affection
6. Enough with the PDA! You're embarrassing me.
6. (stronger) I'm ashamed of ~.
7. I was mortified.
In the news:
1. to go green
Gundam goes green
to become
2. to spike sb's drink
U.S. Embassy issues
new warning over
drink-spiking in Roppongi
to become/fall unconscious
3. to nab sb
to catch sb
to capture sb
to arrest sb
to seize sb
8 nabbed for
fabricating alien
registration cards
to fabricate
=to make st up
to forge=
to make a fake st
to counterfeit=
to make a fake st
Two women attacked by man with umbrella in Shinjuku

Tuesday 07th July, 09:53 AM JST
TOKYO —Two women in their 20s were assaulted by a man wielding an umbrella on Monday in Shinjuku, and police believe the attacks were committed by the same man, who remains at large.
to wield st=
to hold st as a weapon
to be assaulted
=to be attacked
to commit st=
to do a crime
to remain at large
=to not be arrested yet
The first woman was in a FamilyMart convenience store at around 11 a.m. when she noticed some water dripping on her from behind. When she turned around in surprise, a man holding an umbrella shrieked in a loud voice and hit her on her shoulder with the umbrella before running off, police said.
A few minutes later at a pedestrian crossing about 300 meters from the convenience store, another woman crossing the street was suddenly called out to by a man passing her, and when she turned around, she was hit on the nose by an umbrella. She dropped to the ground and the man ran off in the direction from which he came.
a pedestian=a walking person
The man has been described as being about 170 centimeters tall, of medium build and in his 20s or 30s. He was wearing a white or light-green shirt and blue jeans, and his hair was messy.
medium build=average size

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nico Nico Douga July 8, 2009 Intermediate to Advanced.

Quick IN THE NEWS English

There are ~ in China.
It's the most serious unrest in Xinjiang in a year. The clashes occurred in Ürümqi (pronounced "Urunchi"), the capital of Xinjang. The northwestern region of China is experiencing a growing rebellion by the Uighur ethnic group. The Muslim Turkish speaking minority denounces what it calls political and religious oppression from Beijing. It's a tense climate full of conflicting reports.
According to militants several thousand Uighur demonstrators took to the streets for a peaceful protest against the recent death of two workers in a Chinese factory.
They claim the police violently repressed the gathering by shooting into the crowd.
The government on the other hand says an undetermined number of people convened illegally to the center of Ürümqi to riot, loot and create general havoc. Shopkeepers were forced to shut their stores until police intervened to restore order.
The Chinese government says hundreds were arrested.

Today we'll be talking about 予約!
Can I make a reservation?

I'd like to make a reservation.
I'd like to make a reservation, please.

I'd like to make a reservation for a single room for September 1.

Can I make a reservation over the phone?
Do you take phone reservations?

Can I make a reservation on the internet?
Can I make a reservation over the internet?
Do you take internet reservations?
More sentences using "reserve" and "reservation"
I reserved a table.
I reserved a table for two.
I reserved a table for two for 6pm at Yamachans.
I reserved a room for two.
X I reserved a room for two at Sept. 1st.
I reserved a room for two for Sept. 1st.
I reserved a double for Sept. 1st.
I reserved a king bed.

I made a reservation.
I made a hotel reservation.
I made an airline reservation.
Other words for 予約?
I booked my tickets.
I booked a room.
I booked my flight.
We booked our flights.
I booked a table.
Be careful about buying "tickets"
I got 2 tickets to Hong Kong.
I got 2 tickets to the SMAP concert.
I bought 2 tickets to the SMAP concert.

How do we use schedule? You know how! Let's review!
X I have a schedule after class.

I'm schedule is fairly open today.
My schedule is fairly open today.

I have a tight schedule..
I've got a pretty relaxed schedule.
I've got a pretty loose schedule.
How can we say 用事があるんです。
I'm busy.
I have plans.
I have a family thing I have to do.
I have a family thing.
There's something I have to do.
I have a date.
I have an appointment.
I have a prior commitment.
I have a previous engagement.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ニコニコ動画 July 7, 2009

bad luck english
I was bitten by a mosquito.
I got bitten by a mosquito.
A mosquito bit me.

I got stung by a bee.
I was stung by a bee.
A bee stung.
a bee / a wasp / a hornet

I got bitten by a dog.
I got mauled by a dog.

I was bitten by a snake.
I got bitten by a snake.

I got hit by a car.
to run over sb > to hit sb

I had my purse snatched!
I got my purse snatched!

I had my car broken into.

They stole my laptop out of my car.

They broke into my car and stole my laptop.

I got mugged.

I got robbed.

I had my bicycle stolen.

I was ripped off.
I got ripped off.
That is too expensive.= That is a rip off!

I got dumped.
I got ditched. (less common)
Maggie broke up with me.

I had my heart broken.

I got bullied.
I was abused.

I was betrayed.
I was jilted.
Maggie cheated on me.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nico Nico Douga, July 5, 2009

Nico Nico Douga Class for July 5, 2009

This is Miss Ellie. She competed this year in the World's Ugliest Dog Contest. She won the pedigree category. I pedigree dog is a pure dog. A dog that is not pure is called a mixed breed, a mutt, or a mongrel.

a pure breed=a pedigree=純粋種

a mixed breed=雑種犬

a mutt=〈軽蔑的〉雑種犬、犬っころ

a mongrel=雑種、雑種犬

By request....LOST!

Watch this trailer. I will teach some of the English in a future class!

Cop: James Ford. Assault, wire fraud, identity theft, bank fraud, telemarketing...
Sawyer: Is this going someplace?
Cop: You're a blight, a stain, a scavenger. You're a con man who preys on the weak and the needy. Tell me something, James. How do you live with yourself?
Cop2: This belonged to her childhood sweetheart, who she got killed a couple of years ago when she was on the run. The one thing that Kate does care about...
Sawyer: You run, I con.
1) assault: 暴行

2) wire fraud: 有線通信不正行為

3) identity theft: なりすまし犯罪

4) bank fraud: 銀行詐欺

5) telemarketing: テレマーケティング

6) Is this going someplace? = Do you have a point?

7) a blight: 損傷の原因、破滅のもと

8) a stain: 染み、汚点

9) a scavenger: 街路清掃人、ごみあさりをする人

10) a con man: 詐欺師、ペテン師

11) to prey on the weak: 弱者にしわ寄せする

12) How do you live with yourself? = How do you sleep at night? = Don't you feel terrible for all the things you have done? = 後悔していない?

13) a childhood sweetheart: 幼なじみの恋人

14) to be on the run: 逃走中です

Coming soon.

By request....LOST!

Watch this trailer. I will teach some of the English in a future class!

Nico Nico Douga July 2, 2009

The other day I taught Nico Nico Douga Students these expressions:
"I'm broke." = I have no money.
And the even stronger versions: "I'm dead broke." and "I'm flat broke."
Today we'll study a CNN video about the queen and her money problems.

TIM EWART, ITN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The queen was at Culloden in Scotland, site of the last major battle on British soil more than 250 years ago. There's a battle looming now over the royal purse. The queen is facing an unseemly scrap over how much of our money she should receive. Next year, she's going to ask for more. 

The queen cost the taxpayer 41.5 million pounds last year, an increase of 1.5 million pounds. It amounts to 69 pence for each man, woman and child in the country, up from 66 pence the year before. 

Much of the controversy will revolve around the royal family's travel costs, revealed today. Trips by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall to South America and the far east cost 1.3 million pounds. The Duke of Gloucester, the queen's cousin, went to a coronation in the South Pacific. The bill, 150,000. And Prince Andrew chartered a plane to an economic summit in Egypt, costing 55,000 pounds. 

ROBERT JOBSON, ROYAL COMMENTATOR: Prince Andrew going to Egypt, 55,000 pounds? When the cost of a first-class ticket -- and a first- class ticket, not an economy ticket -- is extremely -- it's just a matter of a few thousand pounds. So I think in these current economic times, it's difficult to justify

EWART: travel is covered by an annual grant, but running the royal household comes from the civil list. It's been frozen, at just under 8 million pounds a year, for 20 years. And the palace say a private fund used to top it up will run out in three years. So, should the civil list be increased? 

  1. a site: noun, location.
  2. major: adjective, big
  3. soil: noun, land
  4. looming: adjective, coming soon, impending, 迫り来る
  5. a purse: noun, budget
  6. unseemly: adjective, inappropriate, improper, unbecoming, embarrassing, 不適切な、ふさわしくない
  7. a scrap: noun, a fight, argument
  8. controversy: noun, anything that people have very strong and often opposing opinions about. Example of controversial (形容詞) subjects in the USA are: abortion, the death penalty, and gun control.
  9. to revolve around st=to be about st.
  10. the far east: east of the U.K., like China and Japan
  11. a coronation: The ceremony held to crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort., 戴冠式、即位式、即位
  12. to charter a plane: to hire a private plane
  13. a summit: a big meeting of high level leaders, サミット(会談)、先進国首脳会議
  14. to justify st: to give acceptable reasons for one's actions, 〔不当だと批判された人・行為・考え方・意見などを〕正当だと説明する[証明する・納得させる]、弁明する、正当化する
  15. to cover st: to pay for st, to be included by a budget, insurance, policy, etc.
  16. annual: yearly
  17. to run out: to be used up