Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 27, 2009年7月27日

In today's class we studied the following:

to exaggerate=大げさに言う
He exaggerates everything.

A: It rained so hard I thought we were going to drown!
B:Don’t exaggerate! It wasn’t that bad!

to sneeze= くしゃみをする

to estimate: 評価する、見積もる、見積書を作成する
I'm estimating.=I’m guessing.

Useful expression:
I’m in the habit of ~ing.
I’m not in the habit of ~ing.

# in the habit of
《be ~》~する習慣がある、常習的に~する、~するのを常とする、決まって~する

in the habit of interfering in other people's affairs
《be ~》干渉好きである
in the habit of jogging every day
《be ~》毎日{まいにち}ジョギングする
in the habit of saying
《be ~》~が口癖である
in the habit of using the sign
《be ~》そのしぐさをする癖がある

~ is a good/bad habit.

You should get into the habit of ~ing.

to get in the habit of doing

Do you believe in Hell?
Hell is (not) part of our believe system.

1) Which is faster, hot or cold?
2. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms.
The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and
the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
to condemn sb to death=to sentence sb to death
a raging fire=a very strong and big fire
an assassin=a killer
a loaded gun: a gun with bullets in it.

By the way you should know how to say: I’m hungry this way:
I’m starved/starving.: I’m hungry.

3. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

consecutive=continuous, in a row, 連続した、連続的な、立て続けの、継続的な
1) Hot is faster.
You can catch a cold.

2. The third. Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead.

3. Sure you can: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow!
the epicenter=where the earthquake comes from, 震央{しんおう}、発生地{はっせい ち}、震源地{しんげんち}、中心点
the magnitude= the strength of the earthquake, マグニチュード
You can use the word HIT to describe when an earthquake happens. For example:
An earthquake of magnitude 3 struck/hit Aichi this morning.
A tornado hit Japan.
A hurricane/typhoon will hit us tomorrow.

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