Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nico Nico Douga, July 5, 2009

Nico Nico Douga Class for July 5, 2009

This is Miss Ellie. She competed this year in the World's Ugliest Dog Contest. She won the pedigree category. I pedigree dog is a pure dog. A dog that is not pure is called a mixed breed, a mutt, or a mongrel.

a pure breed=a pedigree=純粋種

a mixed breed=雑種犬

a mutt=〈軽蔑的〉雑種犬、犬っころ

a mongrel=雑種、雑種犬

By request....LOST!

Watch this trailer. I will teach some of the English in a future class!

Cop: James Ford. Assault, wire fraud, identity theft, bank fraud, telemarketing...
Sawyer: Is this going someplace?
Cop: You're a blight, a stain, a scavenger. You're a con man who preys on the weak and the needy. Tell me something, James. How do you live with yourself?
Cop2: This belonged to her childhood sweetheart, who she got killed a couple of years ago when she was on the run. The one thing that Kate does care about...
Sawyer: You run, I con.
1) assault: 暴行

2) wire fraud: 有線通信不正行為

3) identity theft: なりすまし犯罪

4) bank fraud: 銀行詐欺

5) telemarketing: テレマーケティング

6) Is this going someplace? = Do you have a point?

7) a blight: 損傷の原因、破滅のもと

8) a stain: 染み、汚点

9) a scavenger: 街路清掃人、ごみあさりをする人

10) a con man: 詐欺師、ペテン師

11) to prey on the weak: 弱者にしわ寄せする

12) How do you live with yourself? = How do you sleep at night? = Don't you feel terrible for all the things you have done? = 後悔していない?

13) a childhood sweetheart: 幼なじみの恋人

14) to be on the run: 逃走中です

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