Tuesday, November 24, 2015



1. Putin calls plane's downing by Turkey 'stab in the back'
He stabbed in the back. = He betrayed me.
He is a back-stabber. 
He is a double-crosser.  
He double-crossed me.

Turkey shot down a Russian warplane. 

2. Abe wants to keep revenue loss from tax reduction to less than ¥400 billion
revenue = profit
tax reduction = 減税、税金の引き下げ

3. Man with bag, pack seen on security camera near Yasukuni restroom blast site
Someone set off a bomb in a Yasukuni bathroom.
Someone detonated a bomb in a Yasukuni bathroom.
blast = explosion
I had a blast (=great time)

4. Hyogo assembly member who suffered news conference breakdown doesn’t show up for fraud trialinfamous = notorious 
an assemblyman = local assemblyman 地方議会議員         town assemblyman 町会議員
fraud = 詐欺 
a trial = 裁判 
He had a breakdown. 
He gained Internet notoriety.
He is mentally unstable. 
He swindled the government.

5. Japanese woman feared murdered, buried in Bangladesh
Example: He has been missing for a year and is feared dead.

I am scared of sharks. = I am afraid of sharks. = I fear sharks.  (more formal)

Different feeling/use: Someone is feared dead. 


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