1. I’ve been addicted to a TV show.
to be addicted
to be addicted to st
I am addicted to a TV show called Jessica Jones.
Jessica Jones is addictive.
I have an addiction to Jessica Jones.
2. I'm hooked on that show.
to be hooked on st = to be addicted to st
3. I’m really into that show.
4. I am [ infatuated with, obsessed with, fixated on, fanatical about ] that show.
5. I am a Jessica Jones addict.
6. I am a Jessica Jones [ maniac / fanatic ].
BONUS. I am wearing prescription glasses.
7. allergic
I am allergic to cats.
I am allergic to math.
8. I have an averse distaste for ~.
He is averse to working. 《be ~》働くのを嫌がる
I have a distaste for~ に対する嫌悪、~を嫌うこと.
I have a strong distaste for ~.
I have a strong aversion for ~.
9. ~ makes me sick.
He makes me sick.
Just the thought of ~ makes me sick.
Just the thought of going to work tomorrow makes me sick.
10. ~ makes me want to throw up.
11. I am nauseated.
Just the thought of his face makes me feel nauseated.
12. Just the thought of ~ makes me sick to my stomach.
13. Just the thought of ~ makes my skin crawl.
14. Just the thought of ~ makes me cringe.
15. ~ gives me goose bumps.
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