Wednesday, December 16, 2015

(会員)11pm! 12月16日2015年(水曜日) Scandal News!

(会員)11pm! 12162015年(水曜日) Scandal News!

a push-up = 腕立て伏せ

a sit-up = 腹筋

a pull-up = pulling your chin up only by your arms to a bar = a chin-up

Let’s study scandal English at:

The judge fears that she will abduct her own kids. 

a judge = 裁判長

to fear = to worry

to abduct = 拉致する

They are sharing custody of the kids.

custody of the children = 親権

abduction  = 拉致

WeHo = West Hollywood

West Hollywood is colloquially referred to as WeHo.

colloquially = 口語的に

I feel like the walls are closing in.

If you feel claustrophobic you hate small places.

The Hateful Eight, directed by Tarantino, mostly takes place in one room.   So it feels claustrophobic. 

‘Star Wars’ cast hitches a ride to London on R2-D2.

Can I hitch a ride?

I hitched a ride with my boss. = My boss gave me a drive. = My boss drove me.

She signed a prenup.
a prenup = a prenuptial agreement
nuptial = marriage
prenuptial = before marriage 

up for grabs = available to anyone who does the right thing ― like pay

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