Thursday, December 3, 2015

(会員)2015年12月03日(木曜日)MORE work idioms

 (会員)2015年12月03日(木曜日)MORE work idioms

I got a haircut. 
I got my hair cut.

I had my haircut. 
I cut my hair. 

I’ve just got a hair cut. 
I’ve just got my hair cut.

Back to the coal mines.  Back to the grindstone.
I have to go back to work .
I better go back to work.
Back to the frontline. 
Back to the trenches.  
Back to the grindstone. 
Back to coalmine. 

He can think outside the box. =  He has unique ideas.

Let me give you a tour of the office. 

Joe is going to show me the ropes.

Hey, thanks for showing me the ropes.

I want you to do this quickly. =
I want you to do this asap.

I want the report asap. < I want the report now.  I want the report yesterday.  I want the report last week.

Joe: Can you make reservations for the class?  
You: Done!

He has his fingers in many pies.

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