Sunday, January 31, 2016

(会員) Fri, Jan. 29, 2016 - Race & Sex & Reviews

(会員) Fri, Jan. 29, 2016 - Race & Sex & Reviews
1. They had sex.

2. They were intimate. 

3. They slept together. / He slept with her.

4. They were together.

5. He was with her.  / She was with him.
A: Have you ever been with her?  
B: No, not sexually. / What?! You mean sexually?

6. (D) They fucked. / He fucked her.

7. You look stressed. You should have sex.
= You need to get laid.
8. They bumped uglies.
9. fuck = screw = bang
10. nail  
He nailed her.
10. I bought a new car, and it was a lemon.
11. I got screwed/fucked.    My company screwed/fucked me.
12. sex = gender 
What sex is your dog?   
It’s male/female.

13. the fair sex = women

14. a sex object = a person that you think of only sexually. Not for their personality or abilities, etc.

15. the battle of the sexes = common disagreements between men and women
16. ~ is better than sex. = ~ is great.
Skydiving is better than sex.  
Swimming with sharks was so exciting. It was better than sex.

17. sexting = sending dirty pictures to someone

Friday, January 29, 2016

(会員) Fri, Jan. 29, 2016 - Race & Sex

(会員) Fri, Jan. 29, 2016 - Race & Sex

Many black have decided to boycott this year’s Oscar show, but the ironic thing about this is that Chris Rock is the presenter.
He would have had to take a 50 to 80 percent pay cut.

He is a racist.

Joe discriminates against blacks.

Blacks have been discriminated against for hundreds of years.
His honesty prejudiced us in his favor.
Please put aside your prejudices and just look at the facts.

~ ism

Japan is 10 years behind other first world countries.

a racist / a sexist / a ageist
a bigot

He’s a bigot.

He is male chauvinist pig.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

(会員) Wed, Jan. 27, 2016 - Fatherhood

(会員) Wed, Jan. 27, 2016 - Fatherhood
1. Like father, like son.

2. This is not your father’s ~.
This is not your father’s Toyota.

*philosophical  = 哲学的な
3. The child is the father of the man.

4. What are some synonyms for “father”?
Dad, Daddy, Papa, Pa, Pop, My old man,

5. Another meaning for “father” is “priest”
6. What are some synonyms for “mother”?
mom, mum, ma, mommy, my old lady

7. Necessity is the mother of invention.

8. He’s a mama’s boy. / He has an Oedipus Complex.

9. He has a face only a mother could love. = He is very ugly.

10. mother earth = earth, 
mother nature = nature

11. (A) is the mother of all (B).  
A=st specific, B=a category, a kind
This is the mother of all wars.

This expression is used to describe the biggest, most extreme or ultimate examples of something.

(会員) Friday. Jan. 22, 2016 - SMAP news & more

Nico - Jan. 22, 2016

a marketing ploy

to deport = to kick sb out of a country

deportation = noun

Japan has ordered the deportation of Ric O’Barry.
Ric O’Barry.

He is the star of the Oscar-winning documentary “The Cove.”

“The Cove” is a movie about a Japanese village that hunts dolphins.

But he has refused to leave, insisting he came as a tourist to look at dolphins.

5 vending machines torched in Tokyo’s Itabashi Ward

to torch = to set on fire


Kotoshogiku crashes to 1st loss as title race heats up

I have been following him this tournament.
I don’t really follow sumo.

There has been a big fuss about the lack of diversity in Hollywood films.

a fuss = a commotion

I don’t want to make a big fuss.

He made a big fuss about my hair.

(会員) Wednesday. Jan. 20, 2016 - comparison expressions!


(会員) Wednesday. Jan. 20, 2016 - comparison expressions!

1. to render a video

grab idioms:
2. to grab st = to go and do st
Let's grab lunch.
Let’s grab a bite to eat. 
Let’s grab a beer.
Let’s grab a cup of coffee.
I’m sleepy, and dinner is in 2 hours. I think I have time to grab a nap.

It’s late. You better grab some shut-eye.

2. ~ is up for grabs. = ~ is available.

3. They grabbed Tom as he was leaving work.
comparison expressions:
4. Comparatively speaking,  I am average size.
    = Relatively speaking,  I am average size.
5. Nothing compares to (A.) = (A) is the best/worst.
Nothing compares to Paris.
Nothing compares to Kyoto.
Nobody compares to George Clooney.
No one compares to George Clooney.
6. ~ is the ultimate ~.

John is the ultimate salesman.
John is the consummate salesman.

7. (A) is no match for (B).
I am no match for a professional boxer.
You’re no match for me.

8. (A) is more than a match for (B).

He is younger than me, but he’s more than a match for me.
9. They are apples and oranges. 
10. He is ~ above the rest.

He is head and shoulders above the rest.

12. He is a cut above the rest.

(会員) Sunday. Jan. 18, 2016 - fish!

(会員) Sunday. Jan. 18, 2016 - fish!

1. That sounds fishy.

2. She drinks like a fish.  = She can hold her liquor. = She can drink a lot.

3. There are plenty of (other) fish in the sea.

4. I feel like a fish out of water. = I do not feel comfortable in this situation.

5. You're a big fish in a small pond. = You are strong, but there is not much competition.
You are a small fish in a big pond. = You are not a very powerful position, but it is a big city/market.

Would you rather be a big fish in small pond or a small fish in big pond.

6. She's a cold fish. = She is not very friendly.

7. He shakes hands like a dead fish.

8. Are you fishing for compliments?

9. He tried to explain his argument, but he floundered.

10. He is sleeping with the fishes.

11. a shark = a slang expression for a lawyer
Q: Why won't sharks attack lawyers?    
A: Professional courtesy.

12. to jump the shark = when a TV show becomes too ridiculous to be believed

13. I'm off the hook. = I'm no longer in trouble.

14. He landed a big fish.
He landed a great job.
He landed a wonderful wife.
She landed a wonderful husband.

15. a fish tale = an exaggerated story
He like to tell fish tales.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

(会員) Tues. Jan. 12, 2016 - Random Vocabulary

(会員) Tues. Jan. 12, 2016 - Random Vocabulary

1. 感動する
I’m impressed. 
It’s impressive.
I was moved. 
It was moving.
I was touched. 
It was touching. 

I was deeply affected by his words.
He was an icon.

He was legendary. 

He was always morphing into a different persona. 

He was androgynous. 

産婦人科医 obstetrician and gynecologist

misogyny = hating women   …..
misogynous = a person who hates women

alien = sb outside a group, country, world, etc.
I feel alienated.

estranged = 〔友好関係にあった人が〕疎遠になった

We used to be close, but we have become estranged.
He succumbed to cancer.

Bowie died peacefully, surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer.
He will be sorely missed.
I have a sore throat. 

My muscles/legs/arms are sore from exercising/jogging/hiking. 

David Bowie will be missed.
He will be sorely missed.

I'm so sad to hear he is gone.

Bowie was a musical genius.
Bowie was a musical pioneer.
Bowie was a musical revolutionary.
He left a deep impression on me. 
David Bowie was simply brilliant.

(会員) Monday Jan. 11, 2016 - Coming of Age Day Inspired English Lesson

(会員) Monday Jan. 11, 2016 - Coming of Age Day Inspired English Lessons

David Bowie died today. 

David Bowie passed away.  

David Bowie kicked the bucket. 

David Bowie bought the farm. 

He succumbed to cancer. 

Act your age!

I haven’t seen you in ages! = I haven’t seen you in a long time. = お久しぶりです。

Obama’s popularity shrunk.

Coming of Age Day=成人の日

Quite a few of these kids get drunk and crazy. 

He is still wet behind the ears.  = He is still young. = He is green. 
age of consent = the age at which you are legally allowed to have sex.

I'm not a spring chicken any more. = I’m not drunk anymore.  

I'm 65 years old, but I'm still young at heart.

I'm not as young as I used to be. 

I’m 65, but I am still young at heart. 

The anime community eats its young. <―> The anime community is competitive. 

old = ol’
Good Ol’ Boys.  = our old male friends ― usually power friends 

Good Ol’ Rock ’n Roll

Good old days. ―> Good ‘ol days. 

Those were the good old days. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

(会員)Thursday - News! in English

(会員)Thursday - News! in English
Jan. 7, 2016
a muscle spasm

Becky is allegedly dating a married man. 
Becky is the other woman. 


Enon Kawatani cheated on his wife with Becky.

Fido = used to be popular name for a dog in English 


North Korea conducts Nuclear test.

Claims successful hydrogen bomb blast

'Zainichi' Koreans say North Korean nuclear test may fuel discrimination in Japan

fuel = promote
discrimination = 偏見

to play the victim (card)= to try to exploit (use) your position as a victim 

kidnapp, abduct

Japanese action against North Korea could kill abduction talks

a hypochondriac = a person who honestly thinks they are sick and need a doctor

Florida woman died after hospital thought she was faking: lawyers

Barbara Dawson, 57, complained of abdominal pains at Calhoun Liberty Hospital

The medical staff examined and released her.

When she refused to leave, the hospital called the police, who handcuffed her and took her outside.

The officer thought she was faking it. 
The officer thought she was feigning loss of breath. 

comply = to follow orders, to obey
compliant = She was begin compliant

 'I thought she was just being non-compliant.’

She collapsed.
After she collapsed the officer summoned a doctor. 

medical malpractice insurance

  1. malpractice 〔医療や弁護などの〕ミス、過誤

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year! Second Class of the Year!

Happy New Year! Second Class of the Year!
“slam” vocabulary idioms:

1. to slam the door = to close the door very loudly
He got up angrily, and slammed the door as he walked out of the room.
2. a grand-slam = a big success
He hit a grand-slam home-run.  (4 runs are scored)
A: How was your speech? 
B: I hit a grand-slam.
I love Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast.
3. to slam st down = to bring st down fast creating a big noise.
He slammed his fist down on the table.  
He slammed his books down on the table.
4. a slam-dunk
It was a slam-dunk.
A: How was your job interview?
B: It was a slam-dunk.
Don't worry about it! I'm it will be a slam-dunk. = I’m sure you’ll get the job.
5. to slam sb = to criticize
The Israeli President slammed Obama for making a deal with Iran.
6. a poetry slam = a cool poetry reading in front of a live audience often at a coffee shop
7. to slam/pound a beer = to drink a beer fast
Let’s get together and slam (back) a few beers.

metaphor = 比喩
8. to slam the door in someone’s face = to completely reject sb

I went to the bank to borrow some money, and they slammed the door in my face.

9. to slam on the brakes = to step on the brakes suddenly and with force

10. to slam into sb = to hit sb with your body or car
I was running for the subway and accidentally slammed into some woman.
My car’s tired lost traction and I slammed into a tree.
You can watch movies here. The first 2 are pure pay sites.

11. Listening is underrated.

Happy New Year! First Class of the Year!

Happy New Year! First Class of the Year!
It’s time to turn over a new leaf.
Let’s stop smoking cold turkey.
How did you ring in the New Year? = How did you welcome the New Year?
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
What do you hope to ~ this year? = What do you hope to do this year?
What do you hope to accomplish this year?
成し遂げる = accomplish
an achievement = . a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage.
an accomplishment = something that has been achieved successfully.

sarcastic  = 皮肉的な

What an accomplishment! = often said sarcastically

I made a spelling mistake on the exam I made for my students.
It’s ironic that I made a spelling mistake on the exam I made for my students.

The Olympic swimmer drowned in his own bathtub.


1. to ring in the new year

2a. This bottle is brand new.
2b. This bottle is brand spanking new.

3. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

4. I feel like a new person/man/woman.

5. I feel like I’ve got a new lease on life. = Use it when something changes your life in a good way.

6. He’s a member of New York’s finest.  = He’s an NYC police officer.

7. He's doing something no one has done before. = He’s breaking new ground.

IRS = Internal Revenue Service (USA tax office)

8. The IRS needs new blood.

9. I just started yoga. I’m a newbie.

10. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

Townshend felt revolution was pointless because whoever takes over is destined to become corrupt.
He is bound to become corrupt.
He is destined to become corrupt.

corrupt = dishonest, bad, dirty, 腐敗した