(会員) Sunday. Jan. 18, 2016 - fish!
1. That sounds fishy.
2. She drinks like a fish. = She can hold her liquor. = She can drink a lot.
3. There are plenty of (other) fish in the sea.
4. I feel like a fish out of water. = I do not feel comfortable in this situation.
5. You're a big fish in a small pond. = You are strong, but there is not much competition.
You are a small fish in a big pond. = You are not a very powerful position, but it is a big city/market.
Would you rather be a big fish in small pond or a small fish in big pond.
6. She's a cold fish. = She is not very friendly.
7. He shakes hands like a dead fish.
8. Are you fishing for compliments?
9. He tried to explain his argument, but he floundered.
10. He is sleeping with the fishes.
11. a shark = a slang expression for a lawyer
Q: Why won't sharks attack lawyers?
A: Professional courtesy.
12. to jump the shark = when a TV show becomes too ridiculous to be believed
13. I'm off the hook. = I'm no longer in trouble.
14. He landed a big fish.
He landed a great job.
He landed a wonderful wife.
She landed a wonderful husband.
15. a fish tale = an exaggerated story
He like to tell fish tales.
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