Wednesday, June 29, 2016

(会員)2016年6月13日(月曜日)Orlando Shooting

Nico - June 13, 2016

銃乱射 juu ran sha = shooting spree

to shoot = a) うつ, b) どうぞ、聞いてください。c) ビデオまたは写真を撮る

容疑者 = a suspect
容疑者は過去2度事情聴取 = The suspect was interviewed twice in the past.

This shooting incident was the worst one in American history.
Over 100 people were killed or injured in the early morning of the 12th in Florida in this shooting rampage.


It has been learned that the male suspect was interviewed twice in the past over connections to extremist Islamic groups.

My son got very angry when he saw 2 men kissing a few months ago.
His son is homophobic.
His son has homophobia.

They are bigots. 
He is a racist. 
She/He is a sexist. 
He is an agist.

I suspect he is lying.
I doubt his words.
I doubt he is telling the truth.

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