Friday, June 3, 2016

6月3日(金曜日)23:00 公開 / 英会話ライブレッスン

6月3日(金曜日)23:00 公開 / 英会話ライブレッスン

1. It’s chilly. 

2. Do you believe in global warming?

地球温暖化 = global warming

3. Donald Trump has overtaken Hillary Clinton to become the presidential frontrunner.

the presidential frontrunner = the candidate leading in the polls

4. Joke: This must be a sign of the Apocalypse.

apocalypse = 世の終末、大災害

Oh, my God! You’re on time!!  This must be a sign of the Apocalypse!

5. That story has been dominating the news cycle.

6. a gorilla enclosure ゴリラの囲い

7. to put down = to kill an animal

They decided to put the horse down.

8. to (a pet) to sleep

I had to put my dog to sleep.

9. an injection = a shot = 注射

10. 置き去りにする = to abandon

11. custody = 子どもの養育権

She got custody of their son after the divorce.

have joint custody = 共同親権を持つ、連帯保護義務がある

He lost custody of his son after he was arrested.

12. to teach someone a lesson = (人)にお説教する[思い知らせる・焼きを入れる]、

He punished him to teach him a lesson.

He sent him to his room with no dessert to teach him a lesson.

He decided to teach him a lesson by not giving him dessert.

13. to punish someone = to discipline someone  =

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