Sunday, June 5, 2016

6月5日(日曜日)23:00 Members Only / 英会話ライブレッスン

6月5日(日曜日)23:00 Members Only / 英会話ライブレッスン

1. a warehouse = big empty factory type of building where you store things

2. rundown = old and worn out

3. to resist = 反抗する, to fight against, to try not to do st

4. a rip-off = st that is MUCH too expensive for the value

What a rip-off!  = What a rip!

He ripped me off.

I got ripped off.

5. Maybe I’m just rationalizing.

to rationalize st = to make excuses

rational = logical = reasonable


6. I’m as a busy as a bee/beaver.

7. I’m busy. / Work is busy. / Work is hectic.

Work has been crazy busy.

8. busier than ~

I’m busier than a long tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs.

I’m busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

9. to double-down = to stick with a mistake instead of apologizing

10. to have tact = to know how to say st without making others angry

Embarrassing him in front of everyone is tactless.

Trump is tactless.  / He can’t be tactful.

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