Thursday, July 28, 2016

(会員)2016年7月28日 Thursday 11pm

(会員)2016728 Thursday 11pm
1. 彼の喋り方が好きです。
I like how he speaks.
X I like his speaking way. 
X I like how he speak.
I like the way he speaks. 
I love how he speaks.
I am fond of dogs.
I am pleased by dogs.
Would you like some coffee? 
> Do you want some coffee? 

suggestion: How would you like some coffee? 

like idioms:
Like it or not…
Like it or not you have to go to school.
Like it or not everyone has to pay taxes. 
Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. = It’s a waste of time because he will not listen to you. 

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck it's a duck. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

(会員)2016年7月27日 Wednesday 11pm

(会員)2016年7月27日 Wednesday 11pm

Smiling knife attacker says he wanted to 'save' disabled people

He is handicapped.

Politically incorrect English/language

His driving has been impaired.

Avoid: the handicapped, the disabled
He is a disabled teacher.
He is a disabled student.
DANGEROUS: non PC = a cripple, an invalid
He is a disabled person.

He is visually impaired.
He is hearing impaired.
He is physically impaired.
Alcohol can impair your judgement.
He is mentally/physically challenged.
He is ~ challenged.
He is height challenged.
He is vertically challenged.
I cannot sing well. = I’m not a good singer. = I am ~ challenged.
I cannot sing well. = I’m not a good singer. = I am musically challenged.

I am not good at using PC language.  = I am politically correct-challenged

I am follicly challenged. = I am bald or balding.

You can tell she dyes her hair because her roots are a different color.
It is a heinous act/crime.
This is an atrocity.
He has atrocious manners.
He showed no remorse.

He says he supports euthanasia.
euthanasia = 安楽死

He is confined to a wheelchair.,
He is wheelchair-bound.

He uses a wheelchair., He is a wheelchair user.

I'm still jetlagged.

(会員)2016年7月15日 Friday 11pm

(会員)2016年7月15日 Friday 11pm
What were you doing when you heard about the attack?

Where were you when you heard about the attack?

Where were you when Kennedy was shot?

Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The truck plowed into the crowd.

The truck crushed people.

Donald Trump asked Mike Pence to be his running mate, and the Indiana governor accepted.

The person you choose to be your vice president is called your running mate.

Q: Who is on the Republican ticket? 
A: Trump and Pence.

I heard he squeezed one campaign promise out of Hillary.

He asked Hillary to promise free college education for poor students.

Clinton Takes a Page From Sanders's College Plan

I took a page from my father.
Line Corp. raised more than ¥100 billion from its consecutive debuts on the New York and Tokyo
stock exchanges on Thursday and Friday.

He was absent for 3 consecutive days.

He was absent for 3 days in a row.

邪魔する = to interrupt, to interfere

Don't interfere.

China is a big bully.

China is throwing its weight around.

(会員-中級)2016年7月11日 Monday 11pm - dreams...

(会員-中級)2016年7月11日 Monday 11pm - dreams...
1. I had a dream.

2. If a dream seems very real, we say:
I had a ~ dream.
My memory of that day was very ~.

3. The boy was becoming a man, so in his sleep he had a ~ dream.
a nocturnal emission = a boy has an orgasm in his sleep

That computer is a gamer's wet dream.

4. That is my dream home., That is my dream vacation., That is my dream job.
What is your dream vacation?

5. He got rich beyond his ~ dreams.

6. Don’t you do that! = Don’t even ~ of doing that!
I wouldn’t dream of ~ing.

Q: Are you coming to my party?
A: I wouldn’t dream of missing it.

7. Good night?  = ~ dreams!
Good night, sweet ~.

8.  ~ it impossible. = It's a ~ dream.

Answer: 2. vivid, 3. He had a wet dream., 5. wildest, 6. Don't even dream of doing that!, 7. Good night, sweet Prince., 8. pipe, 9.

Monday, July 4, 2016

(会員-中級)2016年7月04日 Monday 11pm - Vocabulary

July 4, 2016
Today is Independence Day
It’s unbelievable. 
It’s incredible. 
It’s preposterous. 
It’s ridiculous.
It’s inane. 
It’s insane.
It’s ludicrous. 
It’s laughable. 
It’s absurd. 
It’s crazy.
It’s implausible.
It’s redonkulous.
1. browbeat = to look at sb in a disappointed way

2. daydream = to think about st else while you are awake, usually working

3. cling = to stick to
She clung to his arm.
I don’t like clingy girls.

4. cringe = to pull back because of embarrassment, or because you feel st is gross or painful

5. grind = to push together hard and crush
Back to the grind.
I need a break from the daily grind.

6. inbreed = to breed from closely related animals or people
He is inbred.

7. to miscast sb = to give sb a role that you think doesn’t fit him

(会員-初級)2016年7月03日 Sunday Night - Vocabulary

1. to make st out of steel
to make a friendship
Answer: to forge

2. the opposite of proud is…?
Answer: humble

3. to meet sb/st = ?
Answer: encounter

4. long tube that takes smoke out of your house
Answer: a chimney

5. to give sb money for a) work, b) damage
Answer: compensate

6. an organization that asks for money so that they can help  people
Answer: a charity
Adjective: charitable

7. when st happens = occur =
A problem arose.
Answer: to arise

BONUS: to commit = 犯す
to commit a crime/murder/arson/rape/theft

8. to go over a line, number = to go past st =
The sales were great. They really ~ our expectations.
Answer:  to exceed

9. はしご= a ladder

10. another word for keep or maintain ?
Answer: sustain
Wind power is a clean way to sustain a city with energy.

I can’t sustain this speed for long.

11. 満足 = satisfaction
Ex: Are you satisfied with ~?

12. USA has states, Japan has prefectures = in Canada?  Answer: province

13. When a priest talks to a group of people we say he is ~ing. 
Answer: preach It’s redonkulous.

14. modest = humble, small
He lived in a modest house.
I am humbled by your gift.
Don’t be modest.

Friday, July 1, 2016

(公開)2016年7月01日 Fri. night - SLANG!

Nico - July 1st, 2016
(公開)2016年7月01日 Fri. night - SLANG!

I'm going to give you a multiple choice quiz.

1. He drank a beer without stopping. = He ~ a beer.
a) chagged, b) chegged, c) chugged, d) chigged

He chugged a beer. = He downed a beer. 

2. He ate a lot. = He pigged ~. 
a) in, b) on, c) away, d) out

He pigged out. = He ate like a horse.
He eats like a pig. = He is a messy eater. 

He pigged out on pizza. 

3. I was so tired that I went home and went right to sleep. = 
I was so tired, I went home and ~.
a) crashed, b) crushed, c) cracked, d) busted

I went home and crashed. 
It’s late. Why don’t you spend the night. You can crash on the couch. 

Can I crash on your couch? 

4. He is making big money. = He is making ~.
a) coin, b) gold, c) ATM, d) bank

He is making a fortune.
He is making bank.

5. He can think quickly. He is quick on his ~.
a) toes, b) feet, c) knees, d) legs

b) He is quick on his feet.
Similar: Stay on your toes. = Stay alert. Keep your eyes open. 

6. He is super handsome and sexy. 
= He is a ~.  
a) chunk, b) punk, c) hunk, d) lunk 
c) He is a hunk.

7. She is really beautiful. She is a ~.
a) babe, b) fox, c) 10, c) hottie

She is hot/fit/foxy/banging/fine.

She is hot. / She is a hottie.
She is foxy. / She is a fox. 

She is fine.

She is fit. 

8. The concert was amazing! =  
The concert was off the ~!
a) line, b) hook, c) sinker, d) pole

I thought I was in trouble, but I'm off the hook. 

9. That band is really good. = That band is ~. 
a) tight, b) loose, c) drunk, d) freaky

10. He panicked. He ~ out. 
a) puckered, b) nutted, c) freaked, d) butted

(会員) Nico Lesson 070116

(会員) Nico Lesson 070116

Action Teacher July 1, 2016
Wreck it Ralph - expressions

to pat sb on the back = to compliment them
It sure must be nice + phrase.
It sure must be nice not having any money problems.
It sure must be nice not having any kids.
It sure must be nice being married.
It sure must be nice to be rich/tall/smart/born rich.
Thanks for sharing. / Nice share.
to come to terms with st = to accept it
I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will never be a movie star.
LINE: gimmeabreakman

I can relate to him. = I can sympathize with him.
I can relate to what he said. = I can sympathize with what he said.
to hit bottom
a skull  = づう骸骨
I had a moment of clarity. = I could see/understand
things clearly.
Your role is that of “the bad guy”, but this does not mean you are actually a bad guy.
You lost me. = I suddenly do not understand you anymore. 
Alcoholics Anonymous = Alc-Anon
Bad Anon = Bad Guys Anonymous
a bit, a bit melancholy

Here’s the thing. = Here is the problem.

2016年6月267日 MONDAY - LIVE LESSON!

I had super cringeworthy experience yesterday.
microaggressions = small insult
daily small racial insults
You must be overly “sensitive.”

So one of the foreign girls said "tanpin de" and then one my J friends FREAKED.
to freak = to get really excited or angry

"She just said one word. You can't possibly know how good she is from one word. Your reaction is a bit rude."

I have low expectations.
I didn't have high expectations.

The same girl that complimented her, cut her off.

I couldn't believe my Jfriend was being so obnoxious.

Then it turns out that this girl is half Japanese and all of a sudden everything changes.

The Japanese girl stops with the compliments and treats her (nearly) like a normal person.

The J-girl's reaction was over the top.

This type of microaggression is a sore spot with many foreigners.

He is still sore. = still angry

I know it happens to everyone and there's not much you can do about it but it's still a pet peeve for me.

It's still a pet peeve for me. = It’s still something that really bothers me.