Monday, July 4, 2016

(会員-中級)2016年7月04日 Monday 11pm - Vocabulary

July 4, 2016
Today is Independence Day
It’s unbelievable. 
It’s incredible. 
It’s preposterous. 
It’s ridiculous.
It’s inane. 
It’s insane.
It’s ludicrous. 
It’s laughable. 
It’s absurd. 
It’s crazy.
It’s implausible.
It’s redonkulous.
1. browbeat = to look at sb in a disappointed way

2. daydream = to think about st else while you are awake, usually working

3. cling = to stick to
She clung to his arm.
I don’t like clingy girls.

4. cringe = to pull back because of embarrassment, or because you feel st is gross or painful

5. grind = to push together hard and crush
Back to the grind.
I need a break from the daily grind.

6. inbreed = to breed from closely related animals or people
He is inbred.

7. to miscast sb = to give sb a role that you think doesn’t fit him

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