Sunday, August 27, 2017

Aug. 27, 2017 - 11pm Sunday Night Lesson = Easy Translation Practice

Sunday - Aug. 27, 2017

1. 次の電車は何時ですか?
What time is the next train.

2. 今日は電車もないです。
There are no more trains today.

3. 気づかなかったの?
Didn’t you notice?

4. そのことをニューズで聞かなかったの?
You didn’t hear about that on the news?
Didn’t you hear about that on the news?
Didn’t you hear about it on the news?

5. 甘いのもは好きじゃないの?
Don’t you like sweet things? / Don’t you like sweets?

6. そう思わない?Don’t you think so?
A: It looks like it’s going to rain.
a) Yes, I think so.,. b) Yes, I think so too.
Answer: ―> b) is more natural

A) Do you think he can do the job?  
B) Yes, I think so.

7. 忙しすぎてあなたに会えません。
I’m too busy to see you.

8. あまりにも満腹でデザートを食べられませんでした。
I was too full to eat (the) dessert.

9. 彼はもうそなに人気はないよ。
He is not that popular anymore.

10. お待たせして御免なさい。
Sorry to keep you waiting. 
Sorry for the wait.
(Formal) I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting.

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