Friday, October 13, 2017

(会員)2017年10月10日 (Tuesday) 23:00 English Live Lesson [Details]

(会員)2017年10月10日 (Tuesday) 23:00 English Live Lesson [Details]

The Lower House = The House of Representatives

call a snap election 解散[議会を解散して]総選挙を行う[実施する]

to throw one’s hat in the ring = to run to office in an election = to become a candidate in an election 

候補者 = a candidate

locked in a neck-and-neck race be ~》大接戦を演じる

too close to call接戦で勝敗の予測がつかない、わずかな差で予断を許さない

too-close-to-call election 僅差[接戦]で勝敗の予測が難しい選挙単語帳


to mud-sling  
to sling mud

Nixon ran against Kennedy

sling mud at (人)に泥を投げ付ける、(人)をけなす 表現パターンthrow sling, fling, cast, hurl mud dirt at

an endorsement = 人や計画などの〕支援、支持・The presidential candidate received endorsement from a powerful schoolteachers' union. : その大統領候補は、影響力のある教職員労働組合からの支持を取り付けた。

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