Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sept. 24 & 25, 2009


It is unseasonably warm.=It is warmer than usual.

Good expression: right around the corner

Fall is right around the corner.

Autumn is right around the corner.

I’m almost completely over my allergies.

I’m almost completely over my ex-girlfriend.

I’m almost completely over the divorce.

I’m still not over him.

I’m almost completely over her death.

to die=verb
to be dead= adjective
to kill
to murder
He ~ from cancer. (died)
That zombie is ~. (dead)
Vampires are also the living dead.
He ~ of cancer. (died)
He ~ of/from cancer. (died)
He has been ~ for over 10 years. (dead)
This is the 10th anniversary of his ~. (death)
Help me! I am ~. (dying)
This is the 10th anniversary of his ~. (death)
I am afraid of ~. (death)

to kill

to murder
I LOVE the following article that I found on
Headline is: Gasoline thief arrested after hopes of quick getaway dampened

a) SAITAMA — A man was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of attempting to steal gasoline after he unwittingly filled his car’s tank with water and the vehicle became stranded shortly afterwards, police said.
b) Fujio Hirakawa, 56, allegedly stole the liquid from an 18-liter plastic tank in a gardener’s workshop in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, believing it to be gasoline.
c) But the 56-year-old gardener, who had suffered a similar theft of gasoline from the tank two weeks previously, had deliberately refilled it with water.
d) On Wednesday morning, the gardener found the tank empty and during a search came across the suspect’s car stranded in a wooded area about 200 meters from the workshop, and called police.
e) According to police, Hirakawa has admitted to the allegations, saying he had no money. He is being charged with attempted theft and trespassing.
thief, robber=泥棒



to dampen=to make weak, to take away the excitement of st

arrested on suspicion of=arrested because police think

on suspicion of=~の疑い[嫌疑・容疑で、~の疑いを掛けられて

to attempt to=to try to

unwittingly=without knowing

a vehicle=a car, a bicycle, a plane, etc.

to strand=to leave


He allegedly did it.
Fujio Hirakawa, 56, allegedly stole the liquid from an 18-liter plastic tank.


deliberately=わざと, on purpose

to come across=to find

to charge sb with st=(人)を~の罪で告訴[告発]する、~のかどで(人)を告発する[摘発する・罪に問う]、(人)を~のことで非難する



would-be: someone who tried to do st
He is a would-be killer.
A would-be robber was arrested.

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