Thursday, September 3, 2009

ニコニコ動画 生放送 Sept. 3, 2009

Look! Someone took my video from YouTube and put it on Nico Nico DOUGA!
Is Yuki here? No? Then we can talk about her behind her back.


Good ways to say: もう行かなくちゃ!
I have to go.
I gotta go.
I better be going.
I gotta get going.
I better hit the road.

a receding hairline=はげて後退{こうたい}する毛の生え際

ケツあご=a cleft chin

富士額{ふじびたい}◆額の髪の生え際が富士山{ふじさん}のような形になっているもの。女性にこれがあると夫が早死に{はやじに}すると信じられていた=a widow's peak

鼻くそ=a booger (countable, ball type)=or snot (uncountable liquid type)

目やに=eye booger

耳あか=ear wax

へそのゴマ=belly button lint/fuzz



(safe) --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> (dangerous)
shoot -> darn -> crud -> crap -> damn! -> shit! -> fuck!

出目=bug eyes, googly eyes,
Ex:His eyes popped out of his head. = He was surprised.


彼は出っ歯だ。=He has an overbite.

〔前歯の〕過蓋咬合={かがいこうごう}=an overbite

しし鼻=ブタ鼻=pug nose/pig nose


You should get your nails done.

canker sore=(潰瘍性)口内炎{(かいようせい)こうないえん}、口内糜爛

たん= phlegm

The end!

Watch the video again and study hard!

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