Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nico Nico - Nov. 29, Shopping Expressions!

Nov. 29, 2009!

Doesn’t coffee keep you up?

Here's the kicker. + VERY interesting information

First we have to go to the
bank and get some money.
Easy English!
I have to hit the bank!
I have to hit an ATM!
I have to hit
an ATM machine!
a teller=bank employee who deals with customers

I need to get
some money.

I need to withdraw
some money.

a sale
There’s a sale at the
department store today.

X There is a bargain
at the store today.

It's a bargain!
on sale
It’s on sale.
I got this on sale.
I bought this on sale.

I got a discount because
I used my credit card.

I got a discount because
I paid cash.

How would you like to pay for this?
to pay cash
to pay with ~
I'll put it ~ my credit card.
I'll put it on my credit card.

Can I help you?
No, thanks. I’m just looking.
No, thanks. I’m just browsing.
No, thanks. I’m just window shopping.
I’m just killing time
while I wait for ~.

Yes, (actually), I’m looking for a ~.
Do you have this in red?
Do you have a larger/smaller size?
Do you have anything in a larger size?

Who is the woman in red?
I think I look good in ~.

Do you have anything in a small?

I take a 29 shoe size.

Yes, (actually), I’m looking
for a present for my ~.

Seller: $25
You: Make it $20, and
I’ll take it right now.

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