Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nico Nico Douga - MIXED 生放送 Lesson - Nov. 21. 2010

Headline news.

Please watch the video as you read these notes!

1. NKorea secretly builds new nuclear facility

nuclear= 原子力の
facility= 設備, 施設

2. Justice chief Yanagida denies intention to step down over gaffe

to deny + statement

Ex. He denied doing it.

やめる=to step down=to quit
失言=a gaffe=
make a gaffe, to mistakenly say st stupid
Ex. He said something stupid.

3. Gov't launches panel to promote 'Cool Japan' cultural industries

to launch=to start
a panel=a group of people to talk or study something, 委員会
industry= 産業

4. Nearly 90% of local leaders say sales tax hike necessary

sales tax=消費税
a hike=a raise, an increase, 〈値段などを〉(抜き打ち的に)大幅に引き上げる((up)).

5. Sumo driving ban breached, YouTube shows

a ban= (法による)(…の)禁止(令)
to breach st=(法律・義務・約束などの)違反,不履行,破棄

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