Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nico Nico Douga Nov. 19 - How do you say the following in English? PART 3

Part 2

13. お手上げだ。
I give up.
I've had it/enough.
I'm at a (complete) loss.

14. 大きなお世話だ。
That's none of your business.
That's none of your bees wax.
Mind your own business.
Mind your own bees wax.
What's it to you?

15. 考えさせてください。
Let me think about it.
Let me think it over.
Let me think on it.
Let me sleep on it.
I need some time to think it over.
I need some time to think about it.

16. 考え過ぎだよ。
You think too much.
You are reading
too much into it.
You’re making
a mountain out
of a molehill.

17. 気のせいかもしれないが。。。
Maybe it's just my imagination, but...

18. 文句を言うのをやめろ。
Stop complaining.
Stop bitching.
Stop whining.
Stop your moaning.

19. 自慢じゃないけどね。
Not to brag or anything but...
Not to blow my own horn, but...
I don’t like to brag, but...

20. 好きにしろよ。
Suit yourself.

21. そう思わない?
Don't you think so?
Don't you agree?
Wouldn’t you agree?
Wouldn't you say so?

22. それが甘いんだよ。
That's an overly optimistic view.
That's a bit naive.

23. その調子だよ。
That's it!
There you go!
There you are!
Good job!
That's the way!
Right on!
That's my boy/girl!
Thattaboy! Thattagirl!
Keep it up!

24. それどころじゃないよ。
I have no time for that now.
No time for that now.
No way. I'm too busy.
I have bigger problems.
I have bigger fish to fry.

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