Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nico Nico Douga Nov. 17 -初級 personality / 性格

Please watch the video on Nico Nico Douga as you read these notes!
How do you say 性格 in English?

What is the difference between
personality and character?

He has a great personality!
He is a man of character.

1. I am always thinking of money.
I want more and more money.
I don’t like to share.
What kind of person am I?
I am a greedy person.

2. I only think of myself.
I don’t think about others.
I am selfish.
I am self-centered.

3. I think about other
people’s feelings before
I do or say anything.
I am considerate.

4. What is the opposite of considerate.

5. つめたいなー!
That’s cold!

That’s very considerate of you.
That was very inconsiderate of you.

6. I get my feelings hurt easily.
I am sensitive.

7. I am easily fooled.
I am gullible.

8. She has a lot of style.
She is c....

9. He does not know much
about the world so he has
some unrealistic ideas.

She has a nice figure.
She has a nice body.

10. I often forget things.
I am forgetful.

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