Friday, July 6, 2012

Fri (会員) 07月06​日 中級-上級 Level ​- This week in​ the news! ​(4​5 minutes)

A panda was born for the first time in 24 years.
I took a shower for the first time in a week.
For the first time in 24 years a panda has been born in Ueno.
The Japanese Wolf is extinct.
Japanese wolves are extinct.
Pandas are not extinct. They are endangered.
The Samurai is extinct, but the samurai spirit lives on.

NEGATIVE ANIMALS were eradicated.
Poverty could be eradicated.
Small pox was eradicated.
天然痘 てんねんと  smallpox
The gestation period is 95 to 125 days.

They are solitary creatures.

Pandas live at an altitude of 5,000 to 10,000 feet in mountainous areas.

 高山病 altitude sickness

Pandas have a pseudo thumb.

The shoots and leaves are very nutritious.

I’m disgusted!

I'm disgusted by what those kids did to that 13 year old boy.

I do think the teachers and bullies should be held accountable.

The new incarnation of GTO stars Akira from Arashi.

stupidity = noun
incarnation of stupidity ばかそのもの
He is the incarnation of stupidity.
He is the incarnation of cool.
She is the incarnation of beauty.

SUBJECT is the incarnation of NOUN.
SUBJECT is NOUN incarnate.
She is beauty incarnate.

He is stupidity incarnate.

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