Monday, July 2, 2012

(公開) 07月02日 ALL LEVELS, MIXED SAMPLE LESSON ​(30 minutes)

Today: mind idioms:
1. I made up my mind. = I decided.

2. I changed my mind. = I changed my decision.

3. Do you mind if ~ ? = Can I ~?
Q: Do you mind if I smoke?
Sure. / Go ahead. / Not at all. / Be my guest. = It’s OK if you smoke.
Would you mind if I PAST TENSE? =Polite form
Do you mind if I smoke?   Would you mind if I smoked?

4. Mind your own business. = 関係ない.= That's none of your business.

5. Don't pay ~ any mind. : 〜を全然気にするな。
I don't want you to make a big fuss about me.=Don’t pay me any mind.

6. Don't mind me. = 私のことを全然気にするな。

7. What do you have in mind? = What is your idea?
A: I have a great idea for the party next month!
B: What do you have in mind?

8. He has a twisted mind!
twisted = sick = ひねくれた、へそ曲がりの

9. Never mind. =いいんだ。

10. Nothing comes to mind.  何も思い浮かばない.
A: Any questions?
B: Nothing comes to mind.

11. Have you lost your mind!? = Are you crazy!?
He lost his mind. = He became crazy!

12. That's a load off my mind. = I am so relieved. =私の肩の荷が下りた。

a tumor = 腫瘍
悪性 = malignant

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