Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tues (公開) 07月10日 MIXED Level - Talking about movies! (45 minutes)

July 10, 2012
1. What's your (most) favorite movie?
I don't really have one.

Q. What’s new?
A: Nothing much/special.

I really like ~.

2. Who's is your favorite actor/director?
I don't really have one.
I'm a big ~ fan.
I'm a big fan of country music/good matters/punctuality.

3. Have you seen any good movies recently/lately?
Seen any good movies recently/lately?

4. I saw the commercial for that movie. I saw the ~.
I saw the trailer.


"The  customer is always right."

5. That movie made a lot of money. That movie was a ~.

That movie bombed. = That movie made no money.
That movie was the bomb! = That movie was great!

6. That movie was not so popular at first, but it became popular later.
That movie is a sleeper.

7. Who is in that movie? Who’s in it?

8. What was he in?
What else was he in?
What is he famous for?
What is he best known for?

9. He was great in (movie name).
Keanu Reeves was great in The Matrix.
He gave a great performance.
He gave a great performance in MOVIE.
He gave a great performance as CHARACTER.
He was great as Neo.
He wasn't great, but he had his moments.

They broke up.
A: It wasn’t all bad.  
B: We had our moments.

I heard that DiCaprio was originally offered the role of Neo.
He turned down the part.
I wonder what DiCaprio would have been like as Neo.

A: Victor, you’re really funny/smart.
B: I have my moments.

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