Friday, October 18, 2013

(会員)2013年10月13日 英会話ライブレッスン Random Mixed

(会員)2013年10月13日 英会話ライブレッスン Random Mixed
How is your weekend so far?

to sneak = to move secretly
to sneak into a place
He snuck into the house.
to sneak onto st
He snuck onto the field.
He snuck onto the military base.
He snuck some cookies into the classroom.
He snuck his cellphone into the theater.
He snuck into the house through an unlocked window.

映画の脚本 movie script
脚本家 a script writer
I feel sad.

upset = angry, sad, confused, shocked, frustrated
vague = 曖昧な

I've been feeling a little down lately.
I've been feeling a little blue lately.

I'm very sad. = I'm depressed. 
He suffers from clinical depression.
He is clinically depressed. 
He is being treated for depression.
He was devastated. (destroyed)
I was disappointed. 

I thought the movie was going to be really good, but it wasn't. I was disappointed.
I was disappointed in Obama.

That's disappointing.
憂鬱 melancholy


to mope around
Stop moping around.

mope around 元気なく動き回る、うじうじする
mope around too much 塞ぎ込んでばかりいる
mopes around the house 家に漂う暗い雰囲気

I'm feeling lethargic.

I have the summer doldrums.

He is suffering from fatique.

economic doldrums 経済不振
Japan is going through some economic doldrums.

Why the long ~?
Why the long face?
I've been feeling down in the dumps.
Sorry I was so emo.

Don't be so emo.

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