Friday, December 26, 2014

(Members Only Fri - Dec. 26, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

    (Members Only Fri - Dec. 26, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON      
1. I need a little R&R.
rest and relaxation

2. I need to get away. 
I need to take a vacation.

I need to get away from it all. 

3. Karuizawa is a favorite getaway spot for Tokyo-ites.

4. I need to kickback and relax. 

5. I need to kick back and relax and maybe throw back a few.
Let’s throw back a few. 

6. Stop being so uptight. Let your hair down. 

7. I want to go to the beach. 
I want to hit the beach. 

8. I need to get some sun. 

9. UK: He’s on holiday. = USA: He’s on vacation. 

10. USA: I have a day off. 

11. the holiday season = Xmas time & New Year’s time

12. A national holiday = 祝日 shukujitsu 

13. Christmas is a national holiday. Most stores are closed for Christmas. 

14. Japan does not observe Christmas. 

15. It’s a piece of cake!  = It’s really easy.

16. That’s not really my cup of tea. 

17. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 

18. She makes the money in the family. = She brings home the bacon.

19. Someone that you do not trust says something. = I wouldn’t believe him. I would take everything he says with a pinch of salt. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

(Members Only Tues - Dec. 23, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only Tues - Dec. 23, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. Happy Birthday!

2. Happy Belated Birthday!
Belated Happy Birthday! 

3. a birthday suit = nothing, naked
He was in his birthday suit. = He was naked. 
He was naked . = He was nude. = He didn’t have any clothes on. 
decent = a) morally good, or b) good
Are you decent? = Are you dressed? 
indecent = morally bad or naked
He was arrested for indecent exposure. 
He was arrested for public indecency. 

He is a decent.
He is a pretty decent guitar player.
He stripped off his clothes. 
He was indecent. = no clothes
He was butt-naked.= He was stark naked. = He was buck-naked.
He was completely naked. = He was as naked as a jaybird.

He killed the bear with his bare hands.  

He walked into the room in his bare feet.  
Give me the naked truth. 

Have you seen the Emperor’s new clothes?

bare hands
bare feet 
You cannot see it with the naked eye. 
to go skinny-dipping = to go swimming with no clothes
to throw a party (conversational)
a small party = a get-together 
a gathering (formal)
a meet-up = a social gathering 
I’m going to the party.
He is the life of the party. = He is a lot of fun. 
He brings the party with him. = He is a lot of fun. 
He is a party pooper. 
He crashed the party. 
He is a party crasher.  
Slang: He likes to party. 
He is a party animal. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

(Members Only)Sunday. - Dec. 21, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)Sunday. - Dec. 21, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

metal idioms

1. “Strike while the iron’s hot.” = Take advantage of an opportunity while you can.

2. He has an iron will. = strong will

3. I have too many irons in the fire.

I have a lot of irons in the fire.

4. We've got to iron out some problems.
= We have got to fix some problems.

5. I am pumping iron. = I am lifting weights. = I am doing free weights.
I am working out. = I am exercising.

6. He has an iron grip!

7. Copper top. = someone with red hair
8. Hey copper! = Hey cop!

9. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
= He was born to a rich family.

10. Every cloud has a silver lining.

11. on a silver platter
I want his head on a silver platter.

12. silver tongued = a very eloquent speaker

13.  My word is as good as gold.

14. All that glitters is not gold. = classic proverb
Just because something is attractive does not mean it is good.

15. She has a heart of gold. / He has a heart of gold.

16. She/He is a gold digger. = To get romantic for money.

17. He is worth his weight in gold. 
~ is worth its weight in gold.

18. Silence is golden. = It is good to be silent.

19. You’re golden! = You will be happy because you’ll be in a good position.

20. That is a golden opportunity.

*deja vu
I’m getting deja vu.

Friday, December 12, 2014

(Members Only)Fri. - Dec. 12, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members OnlyFri. - Dec. 12, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

Today: TOEIC & 仮定法

First let me answer your question:

Whoever I hire must be dependable. 

Whoever I hire must be dependable. 
Who I hire is my business. 

1. I won’t be at school tomorrow. I’ll be ~. 
2. A) Have you ever lived ~? 
    B) No, I haven’t. I’ve never even been outside my home town. 

3. Can you explain where you were last night? = Can you account for your ~ last night?

4. I'm fat. I want to lose ~. 

5. He looks heavy. I wonder how much he ~?

6. Cameras ~ in price from $30 to $30,000. 

7. There are many different. Prices ~. 

8. I don’t understand all that medical lingo. Can you explain it in a way that a ~ would understand. 
仮定法 = a hypothetical question
Let me ask a hypothetical question. 
9. Which would your rather do, A or B? 
Let me ask a hypothetical. 

What would you do if you were me?  =  
What if you were me? 
What if another advanced species existed? (What do you think would happen?)
I think we would be in constant war with them. 

What would you do if you had been born a woman? 

What would have happened if you had died?

1, absent, 2. abroad/overseas, 3. whereabouts, 4. weight,  5. weighs, 6. range, 7. vary, 8. layman, 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

(Members Only)Thurs. - Dec. 11, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members OnlyThurs. - Dec. 11, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON
1. to re-gift st = to give someone st that you received as a gift
She gave me a doll for my birthday, but I already had the same one, so I regifted her doll to my niece.

It’s considered bad manners in America. 
2. a lavish gift = a very expensive gift

3. a souvenir = it must be a local gift/thing that you take back

4. a knick-knack = a small 

5. This is a small token of my appreciation. 
   This is a small token of my gratitude. 

6. Oh, you shouldn’t have!
Oh, you didn’t have to do that!

7. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 贈り物にけちをつけてはいけない。

A: Wow! You’re a really good cook!
B: It’s a gift!

9. He has a gift for NOUN/VERBing.

10. It was a gift from God. 
 It is a gift from God. 

11. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.
Brad Pitt is God’s gift to women. 

12. He has the gift of gab.

13. a free gift = something that you get for free when you buy something.
14. a redundant = 冗長な、重複する、不必要な、
He was fired from his job because he became redundant.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

(Members Only)TUESDAY - Dec. 9, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

She had applied for a teaching job.
a) She got past the first interview. 
to get past st = 通過する
She passed the first interview.
pass interview 合格する

Oh, great! Congrats! I guess you’re in the running!

1. to be in the running:
So far, six candidates are in the running for the job. : 今のところ、その仕事をめぐって6人が争っている。
to be in the running = to be a candidate for st

2. to give sb a run for their money = to give sb a good competition

a) Want to race?
b) Sure, but are you fast?
a) Well, I don’t if I’m as fast as you, but I’ll give you a run for your money. 

Well, I lost, but I gave him a good run for his money. 

give someone a good run for his money

3. to run on fumes
fumes = gas left over after the liquid is gone, like smoke
My car is almost out of gas. It’s running on fumes. 

I’m so tired. I’m just running on fumes. 
I’m so hungry. I’m just running on fumes. 

4. He is running off at the mouth.
to run off at the mouth = とめどなくしゃべる、ペラペラしゃべる、よく考えずに口走る

to put one's foot in one's mouth
to make a gaffe = to make a verbal mistake

5. to eat and run
I hate to eat and run, but I have to go. 
It’s getting late. I have to run. 
I’m late. I have to run. 

6. I had a good run. = I had some good luck!

7. to run off with sb
He ran off with his secretary. 
They ran off together and got together.
Run away with me. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

(Members Only) MONDAY - Dec. 8, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only) MONDAY - Dec. 8, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

special needs kids = kids with disabilities

You try to teach kids sensitivity.
You try to teach kids to empathize with disabled kids.
He has a disability.
身体障害 = a disability
physical disability=身体障害、廃疾
mental disability精神障害
psychological【形】    心理学の、心理学に関する
a handicap

List of disability-related terms with negative connotations

He is handicapped.

pc = politically correct

That is not PC.

You shouldn’t say “oriental”. You should say, “asian”.

a midget

He is blind. —> He is visually impaired.
正常な機能が損なわれた = impaired

視覚[視力]障害がある = visually impaired
SAFE: ~ challenged
He is visually challenged.
He is visually challenged.
He is height-challenged.【形】背の低い
He is linguistically challenged.
I am language challenged.
数学ができない = I am math challenged. 
I am mathematically challenged.
He is mentally challenged. = 精神に異常がある
Many women say all men are emotionally challenged.
He is weight-challenged. 太った
He is vertically challenged. 背が低い
She is romantically challenged. 恋愛に恵まれていない
She is love challenged.
He is tone-deaf. He can't carry a tune. He is musically challenged. 音痴である
He is nuptially challenged. = can't get married

Sunday, December 7, 2014

(Members Only)SUNDAY - Dec. 7, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)SUNDAY - Dec. 7, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

methamphetamines = crank, crystal, speed

She is tweaking.

She is high on meth.

illegal drugs = narcotics

She is on XXXXX.
Are you on XXXX?
Are you on drugs? = a) Are you taking any drugs now?
                                b) Are you high on any illegal drugs now?
                                c) Your opinion is crazy.

Are you high? = Are you crazy?

He does drugs.
He has a drug habit.=He is addicted to drugs.
He has a gambling habit/smoking habit.
He has the annoying habit of ~ing.
He has the irritating habit of ~ing.

He has the annoying habit of drinking too much.
He has the annoying habit of cracking his knuckles.
He has the annoying habit of interrupting people.

He is a habitual drug user.
He takes drugs habitually.

He has a gambling addiction.

You have to kick that habit. = You have to stop doing that.

1. Planning Spontaneous Trips
spontaneous = sudden, no planning, no warning

2. Falling Asleep After Sex
3. Not Listening
4. Leaving The Toilet Seat Up
5. Leaving Toenail Clippings And Beard Shavings Around
18% of women cited it as their top male idiosyncrasy.

6. Having Friends You Don’t Like
The opposite is true too.

7. Displaying A Poor Sense of Style
He's a good dresser.
He is very fashionable.

8. Treating The Server Poorly
waiter /  waitress / bartender
a deal-breaker

9. Using His Cell Phone On A Date

10. Trying To Go Through The Back DoorWomen don't like doggy style.
See the list here:

Men are more easily distracted.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

(Members Only)THURS - Dec. 4, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)THURS - Dec. 4, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. 危険ドラッグ a dangerous drug
The authorities coined this word to help fight the use of 危険ドラッグ.

2. synthetic drug = a manmade drug 
synthetic = 人工の

3. 脱法ハーブ = law-evading drugs
evade = うまく切り抜ける、うまく逃れる
He evaded the police.

4. to wig out = to go crazy ハイな気分になる

5. to be strung out = 麻薬にひどく酔っている、麻薬中毒である
He was strung out on drugs/coffee.
He was strung out from work.

6. to be burnt out = 疲れ切った

stab = 刺す,
slash = 切りつける
stab = 刺す,
slash = 切りつける

7. UK men’s slang: I’ve got to take a slash. = I have to pee.
"to urinate" = "to pee"

8. Japan wins 'Fossil' award of shame
a fossil = 化石
She’s a fossil. He’s a fossil.

9. What a shame! = That’s too bad! = 残念です。

10. He shamed her. = He made her look or feel bad.
He shamed her into donating money.

11. to body shame sb = to criticize yourself or others because of some aspect of physical appearance
a) Criticizing your own appearance
b) Criticizing another’s appearance in front of them
c)  Criticizing another’s appearance without their knowledge

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

(Members Only)Tues - Dec. 2, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)Tues - Dec. 2, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

放火 = arson
He set fire to the house.
He torched the house.

a torch (UK) = a flashlight
carry a torch for = to be in love with sb who maybe doesn’t know you love them

unrequited love = 片思い
This is a pretty safe neighborhood.
This is a rough neighborhood.
This is bad part of town.
bedridden 寝たきりの
a ghetto / a slum

I'm spoon feeding you!
spoon-feed one's students 生徒に手取り足取り教える

My face is acne-ridden.
My face is pimple-ridden.
My face is zit-ridden.

commit a crime
commit + “CRIME”

commit an error

I’ve committed a grave error.
=I’ve made a big mistake.

That was a big fail.

snafu = situation normal all fucked up

That was a big snafu.

a blooper

a blooper reel

What a blunder.

What a goof up. 

I screwed up. 
What a screw up.

I messed/screwed/fucked up.
I blew it.

I face-planted.

He fell down hard. = He bit it!

bites it

Monday, December 1, 2014

(Members Only)Mon - Dec. 1, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only)Mon - Dec. 1, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON 
(Members Only)Mon - Dec. 1, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON
I’m surprisingly full of energy today.
I’m surprisingly well.

4K camera=high resolution video
All video sites will have to embrace this technology.
I’m really excited about my new camera. = I’m really psyched about my new camera.

放火 = arson
an arsonist
He was arrested for arson. 
He was arrested on suspicion of arson.
to set st on fire=
to torch
He torched the building.
He set the car on fire.
You're on fire! = You’re doing very well.
You’re fired!
They fired me. I got fired. I got the ax.
They ~ me ~.
They let me go.
I’m really sorry, but I’m going to have to let you.

They laid me off.
He is really gung-ho to start his new job.
He has fire in his belly. (REALLY strong ambition.)

Fire!  = Shoot! = Open fire!

A: Can I ask you a question? 
B: Fire away!

A: Can I ask you a question? 
B: ~!

I’m really excited. = I’m fired up!
I’m really fired up to see the game!

I had many ~ in the fire.

I have many iron in the fire.
I am doing many things at once.