Tuesday, December 23, 2014

(Members Only Tues - Dec. 23, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

(Members Only Tues - Dec. 23, 2014 -11pm LIVE ENGLISH LESSON

1. Happy Birthday!

2. Happy Belated Birthday!
Belated Happy Birthday! 

3. a birthday suit = nothing, naked
He was in his birthday suit. = He was naked. 
He was naked . = He was nude. = He didn’t have any clothes on. 
decent = a) morally good, or b) good
Are you decent? = Are you dressed? 
indecent = morally bad or naked
He was arrested for indecent exposure. 
He was arrested for public indecency. 

He is a decent.
He is a pretty decent guitar player.
He stripped off his clothes. 
He was indecent. = no clothes
He was butt-naked.= He was stark naked. = He was buck-naked.
He was completely naked. = He was as naked as a jaybird.

He killed the bear with his bare hands.  

He walked into the room in his bare feet.  
Give me the naked truth. 

Have you seen the Emperor’s new clothes?

bare hands
bare feet 
You cannot see it with the naked eye. 
to go skinny-dipping = to go swimming with no clothes
to throw a party (conversational)
a small party = a get-together 
a gathering (formal)
a meet-up = a social gathering 
I’m going to the party.
He is the life of the party. = He is a lot of fun. 
He brings the party with him. = He is a lot of fun. 
He is a party pooper. 
He crashed the party. 
He is a party crasher.  
Slang: He likes to party. 
He is a party animal. 

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