Sunday, October 25, 2015

(会員)2015年 10月25日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン - more transport

(会員)2015年 10月25日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン - more transport 

1. to get cold feet = to suddenly be shy or scared to do st that you were preparing to do

2. to put one’s foot in one’s mouth = to say st stupid
I put my foot in my mouth.

3. itchy feet = feeling like you want to travel
I’m getting itchy feet.

4. to be back on one’s feet = to recover from sickness or a bad situation
I lost my job, but don’t worry I’ll be back on my feet soon.

5. to drag one’s feet = to purposely move slowly
Stop dragging your feet.

6. to get one’s feet wet = to start st new
I’ve just gotten my feet wet.
I’m just getting my feet wet.

7. to get one’s foot in the door
I want to become a singer, but I don't know how to get my foot in the door.

8. to put one’s foot down = to say “NO!”

Thursday, October 22, 2015

(会員)2015年 10月22日(木曜日)英会話ライブレッスン - NEWS!

(会員)2015年 10月22日(木曜日)英会話ライブレッスン - NEWS!

Tie your shoes.

Clinton vs. Trey Gowdy in Benghazi showdown

Marty was greeted by flying cars, self-tying sneakers and hovering skateboards.

These shoes were inspired by the movie, Back to the Future.

a life hack: a kind of tricky way to get things done faster

Autism =     自閉症

a tendency to over-diagnose autism patients.

He misdiagnosed me with autism.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

(会員)2015年 10月20日(火曜日)英会話ライブレッスン - move idioms

(会員)2015 1020日(火曜日)英会話ライブレッスン - move idioms

1. I have itchy feet. = I don’t want to stay here. 

2. I’m feeling antsy. = I feel restless.

3. You can ride with me in the care, but don’t be a backseat driver.

4. As soon as we reached the coffee shop, I made a beeline for the toilet.
The US government is making a beeline to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. 
Often used when someone is very hungry, thirsty, or has to do st right away. 

5. He is trying to make a comeback. 

*BONUS* 6. packed like sardines = very crowded
The train was so crowded yesterday. We we were packed like sardines. 

7. to pack it in.  = to quit
He was so tired, he decided to pack it in. 
a) to leave and go home, maybe go home    
b) to retire

8. I just got my bonus, so let’s go out tonight and paint the town red. 

9. to be up shit’s creek 
I’m up shit’s creek. = I am in trouble. 
I’m up shit’s creek without a paddle. 

10. GTFO! 
Get the fuck out! 

the fuck = adverb

Go the fuck away!

Come here! 
Come the fuck here! 

Shut up!
Shut the fuck up. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

(会員)2015年 10月17日(土曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

(会員)2015 1017日(土曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

Oct. 17, 2015

1. I need round-trip tickets to Hawaii. 

2. I took a one-day trip to Kyoto. / I took a day trip to Kyoto.

on + trip
3. He and his wife went to Hawaii on their honeymoon. 
He is in Tokyo on business. 
They went on a tour. 
They went on a cruise.

4. You should travel light.  = bring as little as possible
I like to travel light. 

FUNNY IDIOM: everything but the kitchen sink 
I can't believe you brought so much on your trip. I swear you packed everything but the kitchen sink. 

Thieves broke into my house.  They stole everything but the kitchen sink.  

I hit him with everything but the kitchen sink, but he wouldn’t fall down. 

5. I went to Spain to do some sight-seeing. = I went to Spain to take in the sights.
I’m free tomorrow. Would you like to take in a movie? 
When he got to the top of Mt. Fuji, he paused and just took in the view. 
I stood outside and just took in the air. 

6. When I went to Florida I had to change planes in Detroit. 
6. When I went to Florida I had to transit in Detroit. 
6. When I went to Florida I had a layover in Detroit. 
6. When I went to Florida I had a connecting flight in Detroit. 

7. I like to travel off the beaten path. 
Let’s not go to KYOMIZUDERA this time. Let’s go somewhere off the beaten path. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

会員)2015年 10月15日(木曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

会員)2015年 10月15日(木曜日)英会話ライブレッスン


I need lumbar support.

spelling: grammar

pronunciation: grammer

Basic grammar:

Functional grammar: 

1. ~がいかがですか?   
Would you like ~?

2. ~していいですか?Asking for permission. 
Can I ~? Could I~

Do you mind if sit here?   
Would you mind if I sat here?

Do you mind if I eat your last piece of pizza?    

Would you mind if I ate your last piece of pizza?

3. ~してもらった? 
I got/had my hair cut.

got / cut  
got / fixed  

I had my wife killed. = I asked someone to kill my wife. 

I got my wife killed. = I made a mistake and as a result my wife was killed.

I got my friend fired. = I did something that caused my friend to be fired. 

I got myself fired. 

If you are late again, you are going to get yourself fired. 

Be careful or you’re going to get yourself fired.  

He got drunk, and he drove home. And that's how he got himself killed.

4. You're going to hurt yourself.

5. I hurt my head.  
I cut my hand. 
I burnt my tongue. 
I hit my head on the door. 
I cut my hand on a broken glass. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015



1. X I want to challenge the TOEIC. 

O I want to take the TOEIC. 

X challenge —> O try to VERB

O I want to try and pass the TOEIC. 

He challenged me to a game of tennis.  

I challenged him to a race. 

SB challenge SB to ST. 

Adjective of challenge is —> challenging 

challenging = difficult but interesting

A: I want to give you a promotion. Do you think you are ready to become the manager? 

B: I am ready to meet the challenge. 


2. Despicable Me (= movie title)

bad  hateful  despicable

His action were despicable.

3. an orphanage = 孤児院

4. an orphan = 孤児

5. to adopt sb = 養子する

6. fluently vs. frequently

I want to speak English fluently.

I don’t get a chance to speak English frequently. 

He gets sick frequently. 

He is frequently sick. 

7. The word “work” is usually singular or plural?

I have a lot of homework to do. 

X homeworks
O homework 
O artwork 
O housework 
O paperwork 

What a coincidence!  /  That's a coincidence!
What a small world!
How lucky!  = What serendipity!
This is serendipity!

Monday, October 12, 2015

(会員)2015年 10月12日(月曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

(会員)2015年 10月12日(月曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

a 3 day weekend

Japanese inmate in Indonesian jail on drug charges hangs himself

sb in prison, a mental patient in a hospital

He was arrested on XXXX charges.
He was arrested for murder/drugs/rape.

I hung up my coat.
He was hanged.
He hanged himself. 
受刑者 = inmate
a convict = a person serving a prison sentence.

He's an ex-con.

 methamphetamine = meth = crystal meth

a pothead, a crackhead, a meth head

a meth head = a tweaker

He’s tweaking.

signature color

an alter ego =
Ba rry Allen is the alter ego of the FLASH.

Matt Murdock


a mule = sb who carries drugs

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

(会員) Tues., Oct. 6, 2015 Lesson: Vocabulary Boost

(会員) Tues., Oct. 6, 2015 Lesson: Vocabulary Boost

1. an amount=量
The amount of ~ has gone up/down.

The number of foreign travels in Japan have gone up.
The amount of foreign investment in Japan have gone up.
Great tea has a higher amount of caffeine than regular tea.
The population of Japan has gone up.

2. absent
X I was absent from work today. 
I missed work today., I stayed home today., I didn’t go to work today.

3. binoculars = 双眼鏡

4. botany = study of plants, 植物学
a botanist =

botanical gardens = 植物園

5. biology / a biologist = 生物学 / 生物学者

6. unbelievable <―> believable

7. incredible <―> credible
His story is credible.
a credible witness = 確かな証人
Idiom: I have to give him credit.

He’s not a very good basketball player, but I have to give him credit for trying.
You got to give me credit for trying.

8. a hero <―> a villain
WE are fighting against evil.
He is the physical representation of evil.
He is evil incarnate.

9. a hymn = 賛美歌

Monday, October 5, 2015

(会員) Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 Lesson - Vocabulary Boost

(会員) Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 Lesson - Vocabulary Boost

1. to acquire st = to get st, to receive st, to buy st

2. awkward = socially uncomfortable or embarrassing 

It was an awkward situation. I feel awkward. 

Carrying the table by myself was awkward. 

2. a bunch of = a lot of 
a bunch or problems/questions/bananas

3. to bloom = 咲く
The flowers bloomed.   
He bloomed.

4. charity
He’s a very charitable person. 

5. to compensate for = 

I have to compensate for my lack of natural ability by studying harder.  

I have to compensate for my lack of natural ability by training harder.  

verb: compensate      …
noun: compensation 

If someone hurts you or damages your body or property, you can ask for compensation. You can ask them to compensate you. 

to compensate sb = 補償[埋め合わせ]する

compensate for ~を償う、~を相殺する

6. to deceive sb = to trick, to fool 
He deceived me. = formal 
He tricked/fooled me. 

7. to dupe sb = to easily deceive sb 

8. MORE FORMAL: to defraud sb, to swindle sb

Sunday, October 4, 2015

(会員) Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015 Lesson - Travel English

(会員) Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015 Lesson - Travel English

Men plan and God laughs.

1. Turn left/right.
Make a left/right.
Swing a right /left.
Swing a rightie /leftie.

2. colloquial

3. Do a U-turn. 
Do a u-ie.

3. Stop in front of the convenience store. 
Pull over in front of the convenience store. 

4. Enter that parking lot. 
= Pull into that parking lot.

Pull in here.

fare bill check fee cost 
5. taxi fare, train fare, bus fare, subway fare, plane fare - air fare

6. room charge 

7. I asked for the check. 勘定
Could I have the check, please? 

8. 入場料 = admission fee
How much is admission? How much does it cost to get into the park? 

9. cover 
There’s a $10 cover to get it. 

10. You have to leave a $10 deposit.

11. I’d like to make a reservation. 
      I’d like to reserve a room/table/car. 

12. I’d like to book a room/table/car. 
      I booked my flight. 

13. I’m sorry. We’re all booked (up).

14. I have a plane to catch. 
I have a plane to catch. 

15. I have a direct flight. 

16. I have to change planes in Detroit. 
      I have to transit in Detroit. 
17. I have a stop over in Detroit.