Tuesday, October 6, 2015

(会員) Tues., Oct. 6, 2015 Lesson: Vocabulary Boost

(会員) Tues., Oct. 6, 2015 Lesson: Vocabulary Boost

1. an amount=量
The amount of ~ has gone up/down.

The number of foreign travels in Japan have gone up.
The amount of foreign investment in Japan have gone up.
Great tea has a higher amount of caffeine than regular tea.
The population of Japan has gone up.

2. absent
X I was absent from work today. 
I missed work today., I stayed home today., I didn’t go to work today.

3. binoculars = 双眼鏡

4. botany = study of plants, 植物学
a botanist =

botanical gardens = 植物園

5. biology / a biologist = 生物学 / 生物学者

6. unbelievable <―> believable

7. incredible <―> credible
His story is credible.
a credible witness = 確かな証人
Idiom: I have to give him credit.

He’s not a very good basketball player, but I have to give him credit for trying.
You got to give me credit for trying.

8. a hero <―> a villain
WE are fighting against evil.
He is the physical representation of evil.
He is evil incarnate.

9. a hymn = 賛美歌

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